Day with maddison

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"Hey sis thanks for looking after her" Jacob said passing Maddison to Leah
"No problem just missed my little niece" Maddison laughed
"I missed you auntie Leah" she giggled
She walked into the living room with Maddison in her arms and put her on the sofa next to me
"Hi I'm Maddison what's your name" she said shyly
"Hi I love your name and I'm Lizzie" i said smiling
"Okay are you my auntie like auntie Leah" she said sitting next to me
"Not yet sweetie I'm not hopefully soon" I whispered in her ear
"Can you play dollies with me" she sat next to me
"Yeah I love to play dollies" i said standing up and picking her up
We played dollies and she didn't leave my side and when I sat on the sofa she came and next on my lap with her head on my chest and she cuddled up to me
"Maddie will you go and get your bottle and dummy from the kitchen" Leah said sitting next to me
"Okay auntie Leah don't move please" she said which made me laugh
"She likes you doesn't she" Leah whispered into my ear
"She hasn't left my side bless her" I whispered back
"I'm back boo" Maddison said walking to the living room
"Omg she just said a line from love island" i burst out laughing
"Auntie Leah can I sleep here tonight" she stuck  out her bottom lip
"Yeah you was going to anyway wanna go out for some McDonald's" Leah said which made Maddison Jump up
We got Maddison a McDonald's and when she ate it she fell asleep in her car seat so I carried her inside when we got back I put her to bed she woke up a little bit
"Goodnight auntie Lizzie" she said quietly
"Goodnight maddie" I kissed her head
I went downstairs and Leah looked at me and was smiling so I joined her on the sofa
"What you smiling like that for" i said smiling
"Your great with her love I actually loved it" she said smiling
"Also we kinda have a problem shes a asleep in my bed and we only have one bed left so I can sleep on the sofa" i said
"Definitely not you  can sleep in my bed if you want" she said hoping you said yes
"Yeah okay but we need a talk tomorrow okay" she looked abit sad and worried
"Okay that doesn't sound good" she put her head down
"It's nothing to worry about promise" I hugged her
We went up to bed and fell asleep like our normal positions and when I woke up Maddison was crying so I checked on her
"What's wrong darling" i said sitting on the bed
"Auntie Lizzie I missed u" she hugged me
"Wanna watch a film" i said hugging her
"Yes can we watch tangled" she said smiling
"Of course I love that film" she giggled
I put it on my tv and I took a photo of her as I was sat behind her and she was sat just in front of me

"Hey sis thanks for looking after her" Jacob said passing Maddison to Leah "No problem just missed my little niece" Maddison laughed "I missed you auntie Leah" she giggled She walked into the living room with Maddison in her arms and put her on th...

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Elizabeth white: I have made a little bestie @leah Williamson she likes me better then you
Leah Williamson: rude and turn the tv down I just woke up
Replied: sorry not sorry
Beth mead: she's cute
Replied: yeah she is
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Half way through the film Leah came and sat next to me on the bed and just smiled at me so I smiled back
"Guess what auntie Leah" Maddison said looking back
"And what's that maddie" she says looking at Maddison
"I have 3 aunties" she laughed
"How do you have three why don't you tell us" Leah said smiling at me
"Well I have auntie Leah,auntie Layla and auntie Lizzie" she looked at me
"That's a lot of aunties how can you remember them" Leah put her head next to me
A few hours later jacob was here to pick up Maddison but he wanted to talk to me before he left
"I want to say thank you" he said
"Ok whys that" I asked confused
"When she was with Jordan Maddison never met Jordan so Leah must really like you cause have only known each other a week and you were great with Maddison" he hugged me
"I'm just helping her you know" I hugged him back
Them two left and I went and sat on the sofa and Leah said next to me and I decided to tell her something
"Le I need to tell you something important" I looked at her
"Ok I'm listening" she turned to face me
"I really like you like a lot you have helped me with a lot" she grabbed my hands
"I really like you too gorgeous" she rubbed her thumb on my hand
"I loved how you was with Maddison" she said
"She's so cute bless her" i said pulling Leah closer
We was staring at each other and I kissed her and she kissed me back and I felt butterflies and she pulled away and looked at me and had tears in her eyes
"Oh beautiful what's wrong" i said confused
"I want to be with you but I'm scared" she's now sobbing
"Oh Le why you scared" i said hugging her
"What if Jordan hurts you I will never forgive myself" she's crying but not a lot
"Le she wants you to be happy and she the one who has lost a beautiful girl" she kissed me again

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