chapter one: Secrets and lies.

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Walking through the dark and deserted graveyard, i felt dread in the pit of my stomach, branches and leaves coming out of all areas and strongly hugging ancient looking tombs. Frantically, I look around feeling alone and scared, not knowing where to walk. Mindlessly, i stumbled over sharp stones cutting my feet until I noticed a large human-like shadow. I smiled to myself feeling sense of distant love feeling that it wasn't threatening. A faint hollow voice buzzed around me like a fog I cant escape from.

Walking closer, each step made me stumble with curiosity. The voice that rung around me like a buzz in the fog is drawing me closer and closer towards the rustic tomb. Pulling open the hundred year old door leading me inside, my pace quickens.

Inside, emotions twirl around me like a hurricane that i can't contain. 

Suddenly I woke up to my mum screeching my name from downstairs. Lazily, I through my legs over the edge off my bed, feeling a stabbing pain in the bottom of my feet. Confusingly looking down, i noticed several gashes and light bruising. I Panicked, hearing my mum scream once again and decide to not keep her waiting any longer. Quickly I tiptoed to my wardrobe trying to ignore the pain. Grabbing a long pair of green socks which reminded me of fresh cut grass. I have always loved the smell, reminding me of freedom and the outdoors.

I ran down the stairs to greet my mum who had a look of disapproval. Creeping up to her I nervously smiled and tightly hugged her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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