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Her hazy eyes were staring at the sunset through the trees. A bottle of red wine swung from her fingers as she lazily stretched out on the branch she was laying on. Her knees were scraped from climbing up there, and she could feel small droplets of blood running down her legs.

It all looked so beautiful from up here, the bonfire, the sunset, and the pulsating mass of people smiling and laughing while they washed away their insecurities with 40%. It was her work of art. It was all so cleverly worked out, you see. The slightly drunk people, the pink and blue colours of their clothing standing in stark contrast to the brown and greens of the forest, the light of the bonfire, and the sound of music. It touched her, seeing her work breathe and move so freely, and she knew this was the last time she would ever see it.

She brought the wine bottle to her lips and emptied it. The red or the wine mixed with the red of her blood in her veins, and she could feel a soft glow burning in her heart.

Then she heard it, the soft sound of lips crashing together beneath her. A soft moan. A little laughter. Her fingers let go of the wine bottle in the surprise of the moment, and she could hear the glass break as it hit the ground.

"What the hell?" One of the people at the ground shouted at her. "I'm sorry!" she called down and surpassed a laugh. "I just didn't want to be trapped up here while you guys shagged." "Adelaide? Is that you up there?" The other person said. It was Leah. "Who else would it be?"

Adelaide turned her body towards the trunk of the tree and started climbing down, not even flinching as the wood dug through her skin. "Nice to meet you, now you can finish what you started without worrying about tree perverts. Leah, Jackson." She said and curtsied towards them before heading towards the burning fire, joining her art piece.

The music pulsated through her body as she passed between the people, she could feel a fire burning in the pit of the stomach; the thirst for alcohol, and something more.

A few minutes later, she found herself in the middle of the crowd, her eyes closed and her arms above her head, half a bottle of Absolut swinging from her fingertips. She had no idea where it came from, it felt as though it had just appeared there, in her hand, pure and clear, ready to be drunk. So she brought it to her lips and took a huge sip. She didn't even flinch when the beverage burned her tongue, she had gotten so used to it over the years, she could feel but a tingling in her mouth when she drunk it.

Her eyes roamed the crowd, her eyelids drooping lazily as she spun around in circles, letting the music reach her booze-drenched heart. That when she saw him: A dark head towering above everyone else.

She stared at him in wonder as she slowly made her way towards him. He was wearing a green and black plaid shirt, holding a beer in his hand and moving along with the music. But then he turned around and saw her, and she saw that his eyes weren't green, but grey, and his hair might be dark, but it wasn't curly. Yet, he somehow managed to look like him. He might be younger, and a bit skinnier, but she couldn't resist. She just couldn't.

He smiled at her as they approached each other, his thin lips wet from the bottle he had been kissing all night. They didn't talk, they just moved in tact with the music, feeling their hearts beat in their chests and their blood pump in their veins. Suddenly she couldn't stand it anymore, so she reached up and kissed him. Their soft lips meeting on a battlefield of vodka and wine, and he held her close as the details of her artwork were painted.

His hands slid down her sides and down her thigh, hesitating for a second, as if he was asking for permission. She took his hand in hers and slid it up, up, up her skirt, all the was to her round bottom and pink lace underwear. A soft moan escaped his lips and he whispered: "What's your name?" "Adelaide," she whispered back, and she could feel him smile into her lips. "Hi Adelaide, I'm Wren." He said, and their lips kept flirting with life. But as his delicate hands gently squeezed her bottom, she closed her eyes. And in that darkness, his hands grew larger, his jaw got sharper and his lips got plumper. His hair grew, and her fingers got tangled in soft curls. And he was no longer Wren, but someone else entirely.

She gently tugged at his arm, leading him out of the mass of bodies and towards the dark woods. Their fingers were laced together, and his hair was a mess. Her skin was glowing and her lips were smiling. He laughed a bit from behind her, and she joined him. "Hello there," he said and cupped her cheek with his hand, "Hello there," she said reaching up to his nape. "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." And they kissed and kissed again, and the details were almost done when she heard someone shout her name. "Adelaide!" The voice called. "Adelaide! Adelaide!" it shouted again and again. So she broke away from the soft lips and saw Leah walking aimlessly around, frantically searching the crowd for her blonde head. "Over here!" Adelaide called, and saw her friends head snap up. She had a horrified look on her face. "Adelaide! I've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you" she started saying, but trailed off when she saw her hand halfway buried in Wrens pants. "Whatever, it doesn't matter where you've been. I need you. Or rather, Kieran need you." As the words fell from Leah's mouth, Adelaide felt her whole body going cold, the soft glow from a couple of moments ago completely gone. She immediately pulled away from Wren and looked at Leah, a dreadful realisation settling upon her. "It happened, didn't it?" she whispered, and Leah nodded. "Shit."   

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