1 [5] - A Past Best Forgotten - [5]

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"Everything started around the 15th century... I think- it was a very long time ago" Lucifer starts. "Over two hundred eighty thousand years ago"

"Wait but that makes no sense" Ezra interrupts. "Aren't you a mortal"

"That's the thing... I'm not" I reply cautiously. "And I wasn't always Marcus"


~280, 000 years back in time~


"Malachi, you have been summoned by the court because an Angel told me you were down on earth causing mayhem" The spiritual being in front of me known as 'god' had told me. She didn't have a face or a body. She was simply just light, a being who ruled the world- it's just how it was.

I stay in silence knowing that nothing I could do would've made my situation better. "You have murdered thirteen children, thirty-nine women, and sixty-nine men, not to mention- you've slept with forty-five men in one week"

"Why do you care?" I say, venom laced in my voice.

"Excuse me?"

"I just don't understand. You want us to live by the book and be all perfect- you love being in control and hate when it doesn't go your way"

"You're banished to hell"


"For all eternity"

"Fine! So be it! I'd rather go rot in hell than stay here because honestly? This is the real hell, it's full of liars and narcissists"

"You used to be one of my best angels"

"You said the same thing to Lucifer and then you screwed him over like you're doing to me"

"What has gotten into you?"

"I gained common sense"

"Let's make a deal"

He perks my interest. "A deal? I'm listening..."

Suddenly an angel appeared in the court's presence with fear written all over their face.

"Ma'am, I am so sorry to interrupt the hearing but one of the angels has been found dead in the main headquarters!"

"What?!" The godly being yells.

"And he did it!" The angel points at me.

My eyes widen and I put my arms up as the events take an unexpected turn of events. "Wait- no! I don't kill angels! I was framed!"

"That's a new low, even for you"

"N-No... but I-"

"Your fate will be worst than banishment, you are expelled from heaven for all of your thousands of lives. Your sins will never be forgiven"

A huge wave of wind was sent my way and before I knew it, I was traveling realms at light speed. Eventually, I was stranded in hell.

Well, that went well... I guess. No. Not really. This is just great.

I look around and start exploring the so-called underworld. I don't see what's the big deal. I don't understand it. "Hey, you" I hear a voice call from behind. I slowly turn around to meet the eyes of someone that had no soul. "I don't think we've met before, have we?" He grins lightly approaching me.

𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐞Where stories live. Discover now