Chapter 5: Tubbo

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Things aren't right, or good. They never were, but somehow it has gotten worse.

Armaros has escaped Pandora's Vault, most likely with the help of a certain book that two CERTAIN OVERSEERS were supposed to be guarding for all eternity.

Ravana has grown increasingly interested with three vigilantes who are stuck in a house, and no one has contacted them since the fire TWO WEEKS AGO!

Tommy doesn't believe the idea that the Book of Control is real, and the wires have been growing taut between them. Tommy is resentful over something, Ranboo is worried, and Tubbo doesn't know how to feel anymore, and has completely dropped being Tubbo and picked up being Vespa.

No time to worry while you're working on things, no time to be angry while you're playing the part. Staying up for hours working on something, anything, just to not have to sleep, just to not dream about disdainful looks and cold shoulders.

'You're not my brother.' Echoing in his empty head. So he fills it with blueprints and ideas, doesn't even try to sleep because he knows it won't come until people can't seem to form coherent sentences in his mind, and the paint starts sliding off the walls and spilling onto the floor.

It's always been like this, no sleep. He's gotten really good at eye makeup because of it. But now there isn't makeup, and he has no excuse to not sleep.

Ranboo and Tommy drag him to bed, even though he knows he won't sleep. He will push himself to his limits, and then collapse into a heap for 10 or so hours, having dreamless sleep, instead of a few hours of the world seeming less vibrant, and his imagination seeming more real.

"Vespa! Go to sleep, you're not doing anything important enough to not sleep, and we need to catch up on the 7 or so years of sleep that we have missed." Tommy snipped.

"I agree with Icarus, from what I know, you sleep like, 2 hours tops every night." Jubilee said from where he was leaning in the doorway.

Ranboo was out in the backyard, most likely stalling coming up. Tommy and Tubbo have seemed to have more and more fights, and Ranboo seemed keen on avoiding them.

Tubbo curled his hands inward with a huff. "You don't understand, you don't believe what's at stake."

Tommy scoffed, "and what's at stake?"

He sounded so arrogant, like nothing could touch him.

Tubbo whipped around and snapped his wings. "Our LIVES Icarus, the people we care about most, THIS WHOLE GODS FORSAKEN CITY! War is on, and we were going to be the first casualties."

Tommy looked taken aback, and Jubilee looked shocked.

"Vespa, I-" He started.

"No, go to bed if you wish, or stay up, frankly I don't care, just stop bothering me." He said bitterly turning back around to work.

Tommy backed out, and moments later the door to the bedroom clicked.

"You're very harsh on him you know." Jubilee said after a minute.

Tubbo scoffed, "Only way to get anything through his thick skull."

"I had a partner at one point whose sister was like a rock, stubborn, expressionless, and harsh, but she loved her best friend dearly, and would murder anyone who touched her."

Tubbo turned to face him. "Why are you saying this?"

"Because you are a lot like her. Stubborn, expressionless and harsh. She lost a lot in her life, and I think you did too."

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