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[-} LUCY LOO LOO {-]
chapter 1

The sun rose and shone on the grass as the stars faded and the moon fell in the sun's presence in the sky. Like a flower blooming, the day was starting off with a nice warm breeze, and coffee.

Diane ordered a black coffee with cream, and 1 pack of sugar to go.

She had spent all night referring back to the case she was currently working on.

It was about a little 3 year old girl, named Lucy. Her biological parents had died and so she was put in foster care.

Not long after, Lucy was pronounced missing. Not dead, but missing.

Diane was so stressed about finding this little girl, that she had hardly gotten any sleep at all that night. Not like she would get sleep anyways.

She was a detective, which means she has to check out the crime scene. But in this case, there was none.

[-} RING RING! {-]

Diane picked up her coffee from the counter and paid the money she had owed the barista for the drink.

She picked up her phone from her pocket.

"Yes?" Diane answered.

"Diane.. There's something you should know." Gabriel, her close friend, and almost partner in crime, informed her.

"Well, what is it?" Diane took a sip of her coffee.

"You see, the police had found a body of a child in a nearby river." Gabriel said, trying not to gag at the thought of it.

"PFFFT-" Diane covered her mouth before her coffee had escaped from her mouth.

Diane swallowed her coffee, "What!?" Diane was surprised. She had never expected the girl to be dead. After all, she could've just been kidnapped, and this could be the wrong girl.

"Uh... Yeah. She's dead, and most likely the age of 3. But we can't be too sure, so the sheriff had us call you and your partner for an investigation." Gabriel explained.

"Okay- Wait... Did you just say partner?" Diane was confused. She had always worked alone on cases like these.

"Yeah. Ruth Jones. She's a new recruit." Gabe answered.

"Since when?" Diane said with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Since last night. Last minute, I guess." Gabriel sounded calm, even with the situation about the little girl's dead body.

"Okay, I'll be over there in a bit."
Diane said while hanging up.

She had left the coffee shop, people staring at her from the sudden outburst from the call.

Diane slid her phone back into her pocket, and got into her car.

After a while of driving, Diane had found it. She stepped out of the car cautiously, trying to not alarm anybody.

She closed her car door, and stepped over the caution tape.

Diane walked over to the water, where the little girl's dead body was.

She couldn't help but gag at the sight, even a little bit.

Diane reached out to the body and felt for a pulse.

"Yep. She's- well, whatever gender they want to identify as, they are definitely dead." Diane said, plugging her nose from the smell.

"Hi!" A rather high pitched voice came from a distance.

Diane then spotted a little chubby, red head girl/boy in the distance.

"I'm Ruth! Ruth Jones. I prefer to be called they/them, if you please!" Ruth said while holding out her hand.

Ruth's light toned hand reminded Diane of her mother's.

Diane had missed her mother a lot.

"Excuse me? Earth to... Y'know, I never exactly got your name." Ruth said, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Oh, uh... Sorry. I'm Diane. Diane Stanley. You can call me Stan for short." Diane replied, after coming back to reality.

"Okay! Well, nice to meet you, Stan." Ruth said, putting their hand to their side.

"There's no time for chatting, Jones, we have to investigate the scene." Diane said, almost demanding.

"I- well okay!" Ruth started to look at the body closely.

"What's that?" Ruth asked. There was a small birthmark just above the dead girl's lip.

"Just a birthmark." Diane replied.

"Wait, where was that again?" Diane asked.

"Right here, just above her lip." Ruth replied.

Then it hit her. Lucy had freckles, and a birthmark on her left arm, not on her lip.

Diane quickly turned the dead girl's arm from side to side. No birthmark.

"This isn't Lucy." Diane said under her breath in disbelief.

"What..?" Ruth said, surprised.

The cops off in the distance turned to look at Diane and Ruth.

"This isn't Lucy SmitherBurg!" Diane said clearly this time.

"But if this isn't Lucy..... Then who is it?" Ruth asked quietly.

"I don't know.." Diane replied.

From then on, Lucy SmitherBurg was not dead, hopefully. But who was the little girl's body then?

And did she try to commit suicide, was it an accident, or was it murder? Just straight up murder.


Word Count: 798

Sorry this chapter was short and quite quick to end, but I'm running out of ideas, and I'm tired. 😢

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