Art Drama

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A/N: Before this chapter starts, I want to clear something. Many people were wondering why is Eren weaker in this story than he's usually is. The reason for that is because this is right after season 3 Eren, not season 4 Eren. I understand why people would get that confuse since I was using season 4 Eren's design on the cover of the story, so that is why I changed the cover. But I do agree a little that Eren is little bit more weaker than he usually is, so I want to apologize for that and will fix that. Anyway thank you for reading this and enjoy the chapter.

It's been over two months and Eren was still attending Youkai academy. Despite of the many dangers he'd face, he still made it out on top. He had to keep coming to this school because of the information his father had left for him in his journals, and he wanted to know more about them. But to do that he had to go to a high school.

It hasn't been all that bad for him as in the first day he had made two new friends: Tsukune and Moka. After that he kept making new friends and even join a club, life was going fine for Eren. As Eren was writing down these notes, he was smack on the head by Gin who use a fan to hit him. "So sorry to intrude, but we have a paper to publish" Gin said as he walked away from Eren who rubbed his head.

Gin walked up to Moka and said "Hello Moka! What's this? An art book? Becoming an artist, are you?" Moka looked surprise as she hid away her journal from Gin and said "N-No! It's just... Um." "You're looking quite beautiful today. You really ought to go out with me" Gin told her with a smile on his face. Eren chuckle and said "After the stunt you pulled on us. I doubt it fleabag."

Gin growl at him before turning back to Moka. "After all, I love you!" he said as he took out some flowers for her. He started chasing Moka around class who was trying to avoid his love. As he was running, Eren took out his foot on his path, causing him to trip and fall to the ground. Eren chuckle when he saw him fell and the club's room door open. "Oh, Eren!" someone said as they suddenly hugged him.

"I'm so glad we're in this club together! After all, I love you!" Kurumu told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hey! Get off of me!" Eren shouted as he tried to push her away from him. "Stop right there" someone said as a dust pan then fell on Kurumu's head and a desk on Gin's head. "Anyone who harasses or assaults Eren or Moka must face my magic!" Yukari said as she held her wand up in the air. "After all, Eren is my friend and I love Moka!"

"Who's that?" Gin asked as he pointed at Yukari while his head was still bleeding. "Meet our newest member: Yukari. Girl genius" Moka said to him. "Save me Eren!" Kurumu said as she hugged him behind while she was still being smacked by the dust pan. 'I really want to go back home' Eren said in his head. 

After school Eren and Moka we're heading back to their dorms. "See you later Eren. I'm going this way" Moka said as she pointed down another path. "Huh? That isn't the way to the girl's dorms" Eren said. "Yeah, but I kinda have this appointment" Moka said as she held a drawing pad in her hand. "Does that drawing pad have something to do with it?" Eren asked as he pointed at it.

"Uh-huh. See, the art teacher asked me to model, but only for a week or so" Moka told him. 'Model? I mean, Moka's not bad looking or anything, I'm just surprise' Eren said in his head. "Don't worry though! I'm still committed to the newspaper!" Moka said as she pump up one arm into the air. "That's good. Well, I'll leave you to do that then" Eren said as he was about to leave.

"Eren, wait!" Moka said as Eren stopped and turn around. "What happen?" Eren asked. "Can I drink your blood?" Moka asked as Eren did a face palm. "Where did that come from?" Eren said with a little bit of annoyance in his voice. "Well... It's just that whenever we say goodbye... I feel so lonely" Moka said. She then started getting closer to Eren as he started getting red and he started to walk back. "M-Moka. What are you doing!?" Eren said as he was nervous about what was going to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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