Chapter 1

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Ray: Ugh, that was such a long day at work. "Cheeks the time."
Shoot, I better get back home.
"Hello" she says, ''I have to report this animal.
I found that it is some type of dragon with huge wings....silence...


HAHAHA who is this girl?"
They say while laughing. Ray gives up and hangs the phone then she thinks of calling one of her best friends but she stops herself. She doesn't want the dragon to hurt any of her friends.

2 days later..

"Scientist lab" Boss: Hey Bob, who was the girl calling that other day?
Bob: Oh it was this girl talking about how she found a mysterious big egg."Bob's friends start laughing." 
Boss: Wait, what do you mean?
Was the egg a light peach humongues with dots?
Bob: Uhm I don't know, why do you care so much? Boss: WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY DO I CARE SO MUCH? THAT MIGHT BE THE DRAGON EGG FOR OUR NEXT EXPERIMENT? Bob: Oh shoot, I never really thought of it.
Wait, did you lose it?
Boss: Yea, it fell out of our bag a few days ago.. Bob: Damn what 's even crazy is that we were laughing at her and stuff..
"Boss sighs" You better find her number or else-, Bob: or else what?... Boss: you're getting fired.
Bob: What but that is not fai- No buts it's either that or you find the egg.

ait what if he escaped? Ok, Ray calm yourself down, you're over thinking too much. "Whistling her way back home."
Whata-, hey buddy I forgot I didn't name him, or she whatever buddy where are you-, What are you doing here-.
Who are those people? Bob: Come on guys I think I see that girl over there with red hair.
Ray: Shit are those the scientists that were laughing at me? Ray: What are they doing her-. Oh of course they're here for my baby.
"She gets on top of the dragon." Fly, whatha-, why is he just-, shoot I didn't teach him. listen to me buddy ok, this isn't the time where we have another chance in life ok? If we don't leave right now not only do I get hurt.. Because you're gonna be gone in my life, and because they're gonna take you- ugh whatever let's just go they're getting closer. Please come on please woah- "They start flying" Yes yes you're doing it. Shit shit, get back up you've got this.. Omg what is this light- Woah where am I? This place.. It's so magical looking-, don't get distracted, but how'd I even end up here- "Walks backwards" Shoot-... Oh it's just you I really need to find a name for you. Hmm, how about Luna if a girl, and Lin if a guy?  We'll get to that later but how did we end up here- Woahhh what are you doi- "Dragon grabs her by the shirt and flies up."  Just hold on tight. Whatha- you can talk? Mhm, don't ask too many questions though. Wait, why didn't you talk back then? If you knew all about this then why didn't you just leave back here in the first place. "Gives death stare" Oh yeah, don't ask too many questions.. Woaahhh, we're so high up. "Shed grabs his back and gets on there to have a safer flight. Hey, don't grab on too hard. Well that's not my fault u grabbed me by the shirt imagine if it rippe- Ahhh slo- AHH Slow down. Hang on tight we're goin through these.. "She holds his back real tight, while they go through rocky tunnels."  How are you this good at flying  two seconds ago you were really bad and now you're like a whole exper- woahh.. Can you keep quit your gonna make us die. Oh well sorry..:/ Wait, those dragons..they look like you? Why don't you stop by? No. Why not they might be your family waiting for you to return- No. why no- because they might hate me.  "She grabs the dragon by his wings." 
Dragon: Hey what are you doing? Let go- Woahhh.. "They flip in mid air" Ray: Omg save us we're gonna die. "Dragons lookup."  Dragons: What is that?
Dragons: Wait, that looks like the.. It can't be..


Lin was given birth by royalty dragons but his mother died right after giving birth to him. Although the king didn't like the fact his wife passed because of his son he promised to love him with or without a mother, but one day, Line goes missing into the human world in which he is reborn.

Back to the story..

Lora: What if that's-...  Eliza: No it's not him, he died 132 years ago.
Lola: Who else would look exactly like him, and he doesn't even know how to fly. I'm gonna go up there and help him.  "She flings her wings to fly"  Eliza: No.. you can't.. Lora: But why.. Eliza: Because it might be someone setting a trap, like that one, what are these filthy humans doing in our world and how'd they even manage to enter?  We'll have to start the meeting we need to start the mariza,now. "She transforms into a human." Lora what are you doing she might come up to you and think you're also human and would wanna talk to you, can you just calm down and transform back to yourself? Eliza: This is my self.. Lora: I mean you're actual sel- I mean your dragon form, or whatever you wanna call it. Eliza: Fine, but we still start the meeting. Lora: But what if she's not here to bother- Eliza: Then why else would she be here? Lora... Eliza: Exactly she's probably here to hurt. You stay here Lora, I am going up there. "Everyone gasps"  Random dragon: But you can't- What if you get hur- Eliza: Well I won't let any of you get hurt, wish me luck. "Everyone backs up as she flings her wings."  Ray: We're gonna die ahhh.. Let go of me. Ray: No only if you bring us down there. Well we are either ways, and we're gonna also DIE!  Ray: Oh I never thought of that.. "They start screaming." Eliza: What are these dumb peopl-..dragon, whatever what are they doing? Especially this drag- Shit I can't call him by that he's royalty. Or at least we think we don't know for sure.. Eliza: What are you dumb filthy haman  doing here? "Eliza grabs Ray by the shirt."  You're coming with me. Ray: Whatha what is she doing..

AHHHHH, RAY..ray? Where did she go- are they tryna hurt my friends? They'll pay. Ray: DON'T WE'RE GONNA GET HURT. "Both dragon's bump into each other really hard."  Ray: AHHHH, HELP Both dragon's look at each other with a mad face expression.  "They both fly really fast in mid air to get Ray." 
Ray: AHHHH, I'm gonna die, I'm not ready to die yet. I'm still young.
Eliza: What are you doing, you're a dragon. You're supposed to be on my side. What no I don't even know who you guys are and you guys are tryna hurt my friend, I mean what will you guys do with me? "He flies down to grab Ray."  "Eliza pushes." Move out the way you filthy dragon. "She takes out her claws to hurt Ray." RAYY AHH, wait omg are they both trying to save me? How sweet of them.

"Eliza grows big fangs on her teeth."  Move out the WAY. "Silence...

Ray: AHHHHHH. "Eliza flies straight down to stab Ray with her sharp nails.

Lora: What's going on- is she using her powers? What- She promised.. "Gets out her wings to fly."  Mahariza: Don't darling, you'll only end up getting hurt yourself. Trust me it's not worth the pain. "Mahriza holds Lora by the shoulder while Lora cries." 

"Lora crying while she's a little dragon in the human world while people are gasping and scooting back from her."  Lona: "Hello little thing do you need help? ' She asks while picking Lora up.  Lora: Yes pwease. Lora: Ok come with me darling. They walk to her house..

Back to the story..

Ray: AHHH...whatha why does she look angry? And why is she charging straight towards me? Did I do something wro- woah "She starts moving her hands to 'fly'."  Eliza sees blurry vision all of a sudden. Why can't I se- "All black." Eliza on top of the bed with Lora, and Mahariza in front of her with a worried look on their face. "Eliza opened her eyes."  "Where am I?" She asks. WAIT, NO the real question is  WHERE IS THAT FILTHY HUMAN? AND THAT DUMB DR- ... Lora: ... Um do you mean Feli-

Eliza: No he's not he's dead, he died hundreds of years ago. I REFUSE to believe that he's alive, and so should the rest of you dumblings. You guys are all pathetic am outta her- "Eliza looks up at them." What is this? Some type of game? Because if I am not playing, let me out of here. NOW. Am gonna count to three. One...two..three- "Mahariza and Lora get up"  Eliza: Where do you guys think you're going? AHHHH. GET. ME. OUT. OF. HEREEE. 

Eliza: They think that she's all innocent, watch when I prove them wrong. She'll only turn out to be..

Lora: That was really hard to watch back there, I still don't know if am right about that girl though what if she turns out to be like-
Mahariza: Listen to you heart darling, that's the only thing that really matters, you don't know if-  "Mahariza faints while an arrow is on her back"  Bob: There they are. DON'T LET ANY OF THEM ESCAPE!  Lora: What- Oh no- "She tries to run but they shoot another arrow from behind leaving Lora to collapse on the flood eventually leading  her to faint." TBC...

-I'll write the rest another time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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