Chapter 1

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I was at my cabin, planting my new roses. Jasper apparently convinced Bella to get them for me when he found out how much I loved roses. Speaking of Bella, her birthday was tomorrow. Lucky her, I don't want to celebrate my birthday anymore because I was stuck being the same age for eternity. I paused my work and sat back with a sad sigh, I missed being human, I missed my family and friends, and I missed being able to celebrate getting older with my loved ones. Yet, I was glad to have the "family" I have now.

I finish planting the roses before stepping back and smiling at my work. I check the time and smile as I still had some time before I joined the Cullens for hunting. I'm friends with all of them, but Jasper and I are closer. We share a bond that neither of us can describe. We just enjoy each other's company and are really close friends. The Cullens also know about my "uniqueness" as they call it. My past still haunts me, I still can't bring myself to tell anyone about it.

I go inside my cabin and change to go hunting. I changed into a black shirt with tight fitting jeans before putting worn out sneakers on. I put my hair into a ponytail and looked at myself in the mirror Rosalie had gotten me. I smiled and went to go meet the Cullens. As I ran, I couldn't help but think of Bella and her upcoming birthday. Should I get her something?

Before I knew it, I was at the hill where I first met the Cullens. I smiled an jumped up. Everyone greets me with a smile and a good morning. Jasper gives me a smile and walks over to me.

"Did you plant the roses Bella gave you?" he asked.

I chuckled, "yes. Though I know you played a part in it too."

He gives me a smile before we head off to hunt. Me and the Cullens enjoy ourselves and each others company before it is time to go home.

I wake up with a groan. School is today and I honestly don't want to go. Getting out of my bed, I change into a tan shirt, leather jacket, and black pants. I brush my hair out before putting on some boots and running towards the school. I meet the Cullens half way and get in their jeep, sitting next to Jasper. We arrive and I see Bella with her friends. Edward goes to Bella and I stay with Jasper and the others.

"So, Alice, you got anything planned for tonight?" I ask with a smirk as Jasper puts his arm around my shoulder, basically leaning on me.

"Yep!" she says in her usual chipper tone.

I chuckle before jabbing Jasper in the side and he removes his arm. He gives me a playful glare but I just laugh at him. They start heading to class, but Jasper and I wait a little longer.

"You okay?" I ask Jasper, noticing how he hasn't said anything the whole time I was here.

"Just nervous."

I hold his hand and give him a reassuring smile, "don't be. I'll be with you as well as your family. If you ever need help, I'm there for you."

Jasper smiles, "same with you."

I smile, but it disappears when I remember how Jasper looked when I almost died in the hands of Victoria. I still see the picture Alice drew in his room as if he blames himself for what happened.

We were standing with Alice as she was waiting to give a gift to Bella. Jasper holds my hand tighter as Bella's scent gets stronger. I squeeze his hand to try and distract him. I turn to Bella and Edward.


"Shhhh!" Bella hisses.

"Birthday..." Alice whispers as she gives Bella a hug.

I chuckle and hold onto Jasper's arm to try and calm him down.

"Alice, didn't I say no gifts?" Bella says.

I chuckle as Jasper puts his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him and give him a smile. He's been doing this ever since I recovered from Victoria's and I's fight. I block the others out until I hear Bella say she would go to the party tonight. I look at Jasper and we chuckle as Bella turns our way.

"Wait, Jasper, no fair with the mood control." Bella says.

Jasper gives her an apologetic bow before dragging me away. I wave at Bella and Edward before turning back around. I look up at Jasper to see him with a pained expression. I furrow my brows before dragging out of the school and into the forested hill.

"What about our classes?" Jasper asks.

"They can wait." I say until we reach the spot Jasper had found me crying. I turn to him and hold both his hands. "Now, tell me what's bothering you."

Jasper stays quiet and I sigh. I sit down and drag him down with me. He sits down and frowns. I squeeze his hand and try to give him a reassuring smile.

"Jasper, please tell me what's bothering you. Does it have to do with Alice's drawing in your room?" I ask.

Jasper's head snaps towards me, telling me I was right. I sigh and give him a hug. He holds onto me tightly, as if he was afraid to lose me.

"I got so scared when I saw the drawing. I honestly thought you were gone. I don't know why it affects me so much, but just the thought of losing you made me so upset. Then, when I saw you laying on that couch, your body all cracked, it hurt. I could've lost you and I wasn't there to protect you like I said I would." he mumbles.

I let go of the hug and hold his shoulders, looking into his eyes as I talk, "Jasper. None of it is your fault. I had told you to go ahead without me, I even told Carlisle to go to Esme. If anything, it was my own fault. And I'm still here. Please don't put the blame on yourself. I'm okay, I've been hurt worse."

Jasper looks at me with an angry look, "I'll kill anyone who hurts you."

I laugh and hug him, "feeling better?"

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I laugh and hug him, "feeling better?"

He nods, "thanks."

"I'm your best friend, it's what I do." I say with a smirk.

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