chapter 18

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Jungkook's pov [⚠️Tw:abuse, rape, death, drug use]

i looked at him. he's selling me again. "n-no i don't want to do this"i say backing away from him. "i don't give a shit"he says. tears formed in my eyes.

"no please i'll do anything. my body hurts"the tears rolled down my face. he rolled his eyes. i felt something sharp go into my neck.

he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a group of people. "be good with him"he says then leaves me with them.

"come sit pretty boy"one of a man says  "no i-i don't want to"i whispered. "your dick says otherwise"another man says. i was pulled down.

they touched my penis. i tried to get away but they held me down. they lifted up my skirt. one of the man rubbed my penis.

i felt a something hard enter me. i gasped in pain. i was raped for an hour. i was passed around to different group of men and woman. my body is so much pain.

my lower half is covered in blood from being cut and raped for hours. hanseol walks over to me as i laid on the floor.

"so i'm going to kill you now"he smirked. i'm going to die? oh well about time. "hey can i talk to you?"this attractive guy says

"fuck fine" they leave. i watched them leave. some people walked up and raped me again.

unknown pov

i looked at hanseol "so what fuck do you want to talk about?" he says "i want him i'll buy him from you"i say. he laughed "he's going to die" he says.

"what!?" i shot my head towards him "just let me buy him" i said to him "no"he walks away.

"fuck"i walked out the room. i called somin "he didn't take the bait.what should i do?" i asked whispered "get jungkook out of there. when you get him out give us a signal" she says and then hanging up.

okay i can do this. i walked back to the room. i walked around to find jungkook. i saw him with a group of people.

i walked over to them "hey get off of him it's my turn"i said to them. they groaned but left. i grabbed him and put my jacket on him.

i covered him. i walked away from where he was.

"hey!"i heard hanseol yelled. i picked him up bridal style and run to cover. guns were fired.

i grabbed my phone and calling somin. it went to voicemail"shots are fired. i have jungkook with me. i need help"i yelled over the gun shots.

i saw hanseol running to where we were. shit. i looked around to see where to go. i saw the exit. it's all across the room.

"fuck fuck"i ran towards to door. shots were fired towards us. i was pushed and jungkook fell out of my arms.

the person attacked me. he punched me in the face. i kicked him off of me. i got on top of them. i punched them. i got up and grabbed jungkook.

i ran towards the door. i got out the room. i heard footsteps behind me. i ran and looked around. can't find the exit.

i called somin back "where the fuck are you guys?"i yelled "we are on our way"she says. i turned a corner. "i got to go. get here NOW"i yelled.

i looked at jungkook in my arms. "where the fuck are you dipshit!" hanseol says. i hid behind a wall. i gently put jungkook down on the floor.

i grabbed the gun i had in my pants. hanseol runs up to where i was "give me back jungkook and i won't kill you"he says. i shook my head "no it's probably better to kill me"i smirked at him.

"why do you even want him?"he asked "you never wanted anything to do with him" he continues. "i don't want him to die. i want to help him" i say.

he groaned and then ran up to me and punched me in the stomach. i fell to the floor. i pulled my gun up and shot him in the leg. he yelled out in pain.

i got up and grabbed jungkook and ran. a gun shot went off.

jungkook's pov

i opened my eyes. hearing yelling and gunshots. i was on the floor. a body was next to me. i weakly sat up. hanseol was running towards me. i saw the person's phone so i grabbed it.

i stood up and limped away from the area. i turned a corner. going inside a room locking the door.i hid under the bed that was inside the room.

i opened the phone and realized it needed a password. i then pressed the emergency thing. i called 911.

"hello what's your emergency?" the operator says "i-i n-need h-he-help"i whispered into the phone.

"okay do you know where you are?"they asked "n-no i don't but i-i'm was kidnapped"i say tears forming in my eyes.

"okay we will track this phone"they say. i heard banging on the door of the room i was in. "open the fucking door"i hear hanseol yell. i whimpered.

after a while of him yelling at me to open the door. i heard banging "what the hell?"i heard him mumble. "we are here" the operator says.

i heard footsteps leave. i got out from under the bed. i slowly walked to the door. i opened it. i walked to where i woke up.

i saw the body on the floor. i walked up to the body and crouched. i poked it. he groaned. i moved away from him. he looked at me.

"j-jungkook?" he asked "y-yes"i whispered. i heard footsteps coming towards "shit" i cussed. i grabbed his arm "come with me please?" i asked him.

he groaned but got up and i helped him up. i dragged him to the room i was in. i put him on the bed and then locked the door.

i looked at him "your are bleeding" i say as i walked to him "y-yep" he laid down on the bed. i sat down" i called the police" i looked at him.

"t-that's good. i'm un-uncover cop.  i was send here to help you but my plan didn't work"he closes his eyes "oh well thank you" i poked him so he stays awake.

i jumped as hanseol bangs on the door. "don't worry i'll protect you" he says holding my hand.

i hear gun shots and people yelling and screaming "come on jungkook get out of the room and i won't kill your family" he says.

i looked at the man next to me "he won't kill you family i promise" he groaned. "jungkook NOW"he yelled. i flinched and whimpered. i felt so weak. my body is shutting down.

i got up "jungkook no"his face looks sad "i'm sorry and thank you for helping me" i say before opening the door.

he grabbed me and held the gun to my head. i heard footsteps run towards "POLICE drop the gun and let him go" the police woman says.

"NO if i can't have him. no one can" he says "don't kill him"i heard the man from before says "shut up sieun. this doesn't evolve you" hanseol says pushing the gun closer to my head.

tears rolled down my face. i don't want to die "just let him go" sieun says. hanseol sighed and puts his finger on the trigger.

i sobbed. i closed my eyes as i hear a gun shot go off.


i hope you guys like this chapter.

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there will be more TWS.

Goodbye have a nice day/night.

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