4. Disastrous Date

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Jessica's dad hollered from upstairs. "Your mom called and wanted me to remind you to give your dog a bath before you go anywhere."


She'd forgotten she was supposed to do that, and she and Jacob had plans to drive to First Beach. He wanted her to see La Push, close-up, and meet a friend who didn't believe she existed. She checked the time and knew he'd show up soon, but there was no way out of it. So, she checked the temperature next, and since it was a warm seventy degrees, she decided on giving the pup a quick outdoor bath versus making a mess of the bathroom and filling the house with a wet dog odor.

She'd just filled the plastic tub in the back yard when her dad leaned over the upper deck's railing. "I just heard a vehicle drive up."

To catch Jacob at the door before her dad did, she raced inside and up the stairs. "I got it!"

Jacob had sounded less than unenthusiastic about meeting her dad when she told him about the requirement over the phone. If at least one of her parents didn't meet a date, or in their case, a guy friend, she couldn't go out with him. She wanted this experience to go well for Jacob because meeting parents of future girlfriends would always be a thing.

Upon entering her house, Jacob ran a hand over the top of his shiny, black hair. He was wearing it in a long, braided ponytail, hanging from the nape of his neck. In nervous hesitation, he rubbed his palms together, then took a deep breath. Jessica empathized with him. "He's a great guy. You'll see."

She had let her dad know Jacob was well over six feet, so Jacob's size wouldn't surprise him. About six-three or four, she'd guessed. But her mention of it didn't impress him. He claimed he'd seen how tall some boys were out in La Push.

When they entered the kitchen, he was standing in front of the stove cooking fried potatoes and something smelly. He turned out the burners and rotated toward them. Despite his claim, Jessica saw a brief wave of astonishment cross his face. Lifting her head and eyeballing Jacob, she supposed he got that a lot. "This is my dad, Jason, and, Dad, this is Jacob Black."

"Nice to meet you, sir."

They shook hands. "Call me Jason."

They found out their dads knew one another from Jacob's dad, Billy Black, being on the Tribal Council. It turned out that the tribe funded animal clinics once a year that were free to the residents of La Push to get their pets' routine animal care.

"I was about to try out some deer sausage. A hunter gave it to me the other day because I helped his German Shorthaired Pointer. It snuck from his garage, went hunting on its own, and met up with a mountain lion or something. Luckily, the dog didn't wander too far from home. They found it less than a mile away, with some deep gashes.

"I don't know what's happening with the animals out there, but something's spooking them from their habitats. Reports of bears close to the road and around housing areas. The stories I'm hearing are becoming unbelievable."

When he stopped rambling, Jessica said, "Deer sausage. Gross."

"It's homemade, smoked, and mixed with jalapeno cheese. It's supposed to taste good."

Jessica was unmoved by the information meant to entice her. "Nope, I'm still not trying it."

"How about you, Jacob? Would you like to try some?" Jason was looking at Jacob with expectation.

Jacob glanced down and smiled at her. "Sure."

"You two go about your business. I'll call you when it's ready."

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