Chapter 7 - Slap Kiss

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Six Months Ago

It was normal for kids to fear their fathers, right?

Jungkook always thought that it was natural for kids to have a level of fear for their parents. It showed a level of respect, and an understanding for consequences should the kids misbehave.

After spending twenty years under his father's roof, he would've thought that after a while that fear would dissipate and he and his father could converse like equals. But something about his father put the fear of God into Jungkook whenever they did something as simple as eat a meal together. So when his father called him and asked— told —him to come to his office as soon as possible, he was nervous.

No, he was terrified.

His father was the notorious Black Heart, a crime boss who had his fingers in everything from money laundering to human trafficking. Jungkook had seen his father's crimes up close and personal, and he hated how sick his stomach would get. He wanted to be like his father. Strong, perfect, and always in control. But it wasn't his father's criminal activities that always got Jungkook anxious to be alone with him.

There were a number of things he was keeping from his father. The most prominent being that the main reason he hadn't married Da-som and brought their crime families together was because he had already mated someone. And he and that someone had been living together for practically five years. Da-som traveled around a lot, and managed to convince her parents not to push too hard on the arranged marriage so far, but both of their parents were losing their patience.

But there was no telling his father no. For any reason. Ever.

As he approached the large black doors leading to his father's office in a discreet warehouse located in the underbelly of the city, he tried numerous methods to calm himself. Counting down from ten in his head, embarrassing breathing exercises, and thinking about Jimin of course. His beauty, his kindness, that cute way he was always excited to see Jungkook whenever he came home from work. It made leaving him there alone every time so fucking hard. Especially when he knew he was leaving to do some jacked up things. And because he was still in contact with Da-som, who he could tell his Omega despised despite them not coming into contact since that night in the club five years ago.

Jimin wasn't the type to hold a grudge but Jungkook could tell that it was mostly the jealousy eating away at the Omega. The thought of Jungkook and Da-som kissing and having sex that ate away at Jimin's psyche. Ever since that night Jungkook had done nothing of the sort with her. Of course she still tried but he was determined to stay devoted to Jimin. Ever since that night they had sex so she would keep her big mouth shut he had felt sick to his stomach just thinking about it. A part of him wished he had offered her anything else, that he hadn't given himself away so easily, but it was in the past now.

He couldn't take it back.

He pushed the large, thick doors open and took a step into the office. The cold of the room hit him instantly, and he could immediately feel the goosebumps rising on his skin. Jungkook had yet to understand how it could be hot as balls outside of the room but the moment you walk in there, it's the goddamn North Pole. He had considered bringing a snow jacket just for this conversation.

His father was sitting at his large glass desk, his hair perfectly combed and his hands neatly folded in front of him. He was watching his son with a cold-hearted precision that sent a single bead of sweat down Jungkook's spine despite the icy temperature of the room. The room was so cold and empty that Jungkook's steps sounded louder than they were, echoing throughout the space that always looked and seemed bigger and more intimidating than it actually was.

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