?[sorry i dont name things well-]

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Haru's POV

I noticed how Fumiko kept on being as flirtatious as she could with Lee and Lee was definitely into it. It hurts to watch it all happen, but I have to keep on supporting,right? He's my best friend after all. Maybe they'll just break up within the first week. That's what happened to Lee's other girlfriends...... But why do I feel like this one will be different?... Ugh! Get your head together Haru! He won't like you! "Uhh, Haru? Are you there?" Oh shit, I was so deep in thought that I completely forgot I was even still standing there with them! Luckily Teru said something to make me snap out of it quickly.


"Sorry, I spaced out a bit there!" Haru apologized with an awkward smile. "It's alright Haru-san! Oh! Here's our math class, let's go in." Teru gleamed excitedly to find out what their new school life has in store for them. Let's just say that their old school was as you may say, shitty to them.


14 year old Teru was shoved abruptly onto the hard ground, with a knee that was then stained with fresh blood. "You're disgusting and delusional! You're a f***ing GIRL, and you better get that in your head. The demigirl shit isn't even real. God, even your skin makes me want to vomit. You look like a damn giraffe with those nasty spots. Couldn't you just pick a skin color? Ya know, if you just go ahead and kill yourself, you wouldn't have to you worthless piece of-" Shanghai, the popular girl was cut off.

"Shut the hell up Shanghai! See, this is the reason why nobody even likes you! Even your friends think you are a sickening human being! You FORCED them to act like they enjoyed being around you! You don't even know how to have decent human respect! At least Teru's skin is unique, and it is beautiful for crying out loud! " Fumiko fought back. It was like a guardian angel had come to Teru's side as they looked up to see their savior.

"Tch, this won't be the end. Let's go." Shanghai stormed off, fuming with anger.

"Come on, don't let her get to you." Fumiko helped Teru up as she held out her hand, waiting to be taken.

As Teru gently took Fumiko's hand, they thanked her, "T-thank you so much, nobody has ever stuck up for me like that before.."

"No worries! I'm Fumiko, nice to meet you." She said with a warming smile,and that's how their close friendship started. Although, Fumiko wasn't who she seemed to be. Fumiko always despised Teru secretly and found her rather weird. The only reason she's friends with them is because they have money that Fumiko could never have. And money was the only thing Fumiko loved with her whole heart.


"Is it okay if I could have a little quick talk with Haru-san before we go in?" Fumiko asked,turning her head a little.

"Yeah sure! We'll wait" Lee stated. Teru was confused about what Fumiko wanted to talk to Haru about but as she's oblivious to Fumiko's manipulation, she nodded. Haru and Fumiko went into a little small space to talk.

"Look, I don't wanna be rude but stay away from Lee you little puny b**ch. He's MINE. It's obvious you like him but he doesn't, so give up!"

Fumiko threatened. Haru was stunned of course. "A-alright.." He gave up because he knows Lee would never like him anyways. So no bother of trying to put up a fight with Lee's crush.

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