Ablutophile- Fondness of washing or bathing
Achluophile- Fondness of darkness
Acousticophile- Fondness of noise
Acrophile- Fondness of heights
Aeroacrophile- Fondness of open high places
Agliophile- Fondness of pain
Agoraphile- Fondness of being in crowded, public places like markets and Fondness of leaving a safe place
Agraphile- Fondness of sexual abuse
Agrizoophile- Fondness of wild animals
Aichmophile- Fondness of needles or pointed objects
Amychophile- Fondness of scratches or being scratched
Androphile- Fondness of men
Anginophile- Fondness of angina, choking or narrowness
Angrophile- Fondness of anger or of becoming angry
Anthrophile or Anthophile- Fondness of flowers
Anthropophile- Fondness of people or society
Antlophile- Fondness of floods
Anuptaphile- Fondness of staying single
Apeirophile- Fondness of infinity
Aphenphosmphile- Fondness of being touched (Haphephile)
Apiphile- Fondness of bees
Apotemnophile- Fondness of persons with amputations
Arachnephile or Arachnophile- Fondness of spiders
Arithmophile- Fondness of numbers
Arrhenphile- Fondness of men
Arsonphile- Fondness of fire
Asthenophile- Fondness of fainting or weakness
Astraphile or Astrapophile- Fondness of thunder and lightning also called Ceraunophilia, Keraunophilia
Astrophile- Fondness of stars or celestial space
Asymmetriphile- Fondness of asymmetrical things
Atephile- Fondness of ruin or ruins
Athazagoraphile- Fondness of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting
Atomosophile- Fondness of atomic explosions
Aurophile- Obsession of gold
Automatonophile- Fondness of ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues – anything that falsly represents a sentient being
Automysophile- Likeness being dirty
Autophile- Fondness of being alone or of oneself
Aviophile or Aviatophile- Fondness of flyingBacillophile- Fondness of microbes
Bacteriophile- Fondness of bacteria
Ballistophile- Fondness of missiles or bullets
Basophile or Basiphile- Inability to stand. Fondness of walking or falling
Bathophile- Fondness of depth
Batophile- Fondness of heights or being close to high buildings
Batrachophile- Fondness of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc.
Belonephile- Fondness of pins and needles (Aichmophile)
Bibliophile- Fondness of books
Botanophile- Fondness of plants
Bromidrosiphile or Bromidrophile- Fondness of body smells
Brontophile- Fondness of thunder and lightningCacophile- Fondness of ugliness
Cainophile or Cainotophile- Fondness of newness, novelty
Caligynephile- Fondness of beautiful women
Carnophile- Fondness of meat
Catoptrophile- Fondness of mirrors
Cenophile or Centophile- Fondness of new things or ideas
Chemophile- Fondness of chemicals or working with chemicals
Chiraptophile- Fondness of being touched
Chirophile- Fondness of hands
Chorophile- Fondness of dancing
Chrometophile or Chrematophile- Fondness of money
Chromophile or Chromatophile- Fondness of colors
Chronophile- Fondness of time
Chronomentrophile- Fondness of clocks
Cibophile- Fondness of food (Sitophile, Sitiophile)
Claustrophile- Fondness of confined spaces
Cleithrophile or Cleisiophile- Fondness of being locked in an enclosed place
Cleptophile- Fondness of stealing
Clinophile- Fondness of going to bed
Cnidophile- Fondness of stings
Cometophile- Fondness of comets
Coimetrophile- Fondness of cemeteries
Coitophile- Fondness of coitus
Contreltophile- Fondness of sexual abuse
Counterphile- The preference by a phobic for fearful situations
Crustuphile- Fondness of special cookies
Crystallophile- Fondness of crystals or glass
Cyberphile- Fondness of computers or working on a computer
Cyclophile- Fondness of bicycles
Cymophile or Kymophile- Fondness of waves or wave like motions
Cynophile- Fondness of dogs or rabies
Cypridophile/Cypriphile/Cyprianophile/Cyprinophile – Fondness of prostitutes or venereal diseaseDecidophile- Fondness of making decisions..
Demonophile or Daemonophile- Fondness of demons.
Demophile- Fondness of crowds. (Agoraphile)
Dermatosiophile or Dermatophile or Dermatopathophile- Fondness of skin disease.
Dextrophile- Fondness of objects at the right side of the body.
Didaskaleinophile- Fondness of going to school.
Dikephile- Fondness of justice.
Dinophile- Fondness of dizziness or whirlpools.
Diplophile- Fondness of double vision.
Dipsophile- Fondness of drinking.
Dishabiliophile- Fondness of undressing in front of someone.
Doraphile- Fondness of fur or skins of animals.
Doxophile- Fondness of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
Dystychiphile- Fondness of accidents.