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Nooroo pov:
After around an hour of Master  akumatizing people, I was in a terrible state of health and mind.
"P-please let me rest..." I muttered.
All that happened was that I was handed a few crums to feed on.
"T-thanks." I barely got out.
He was finnaly done. I was sitting with Duusuu who was enegetically talking  about anything but it kept bieng inturupted by coughs and yawns.
"I wish I was back with the kwamis." She told me.
"Same." I agreed.
She then bursted into tears and clung onto me.
"I miss them!" She yelled.
"So do I" I replied with tears in my eyes.
"Keep it down." Gabriel said, glancing with an annoyed look.
"S-sorry." I scaredly replied. I looked back at Duusuu's crying and tired face.
"Gabriel please they are obviously tired!" Natalie reasoned while coughing and wheezing.
He just ignored her, didn't even glance at her.
Gabriel did however look at his watch.
"Well we have a full and packed day tommorow, we should go to sleep." He said looking at his clock that was 11:00.
We all agreed and layed down. We all slept until me and Duusuu was awakened around two hours later.
"Wake up" somone echoed. It wasn't Gabriel, Natalie or Duusuu as she was also confused.
"W-who, who are you?" I asked at the glowing light that had talked.
"That isn't important, what is is the chance I'm giving you." It spoke.
"W-well what is it?" Duusuu asked.
"I'll transport you 15 years in the past but you have to do somthing.
"Okay, what is it?" I yawned.
"You have to make friends with 15 year old Gabriel and Natalie, they won't know who you are or that you're not human."
"How? We are tiny creatures he will not be friends."
"You'll be in human form." It responded.
"What happends if we fo or don't?" Duusuu inquisituvly asked.
"Well if you befriend them you'll be transported back in the future but you'll be saved/this wouldn't of happened. If you fail within th 12 month limit, you'll be transported back but still be used for evil and what you did/interfered in the past wouldn't of happen."
"O-okay." I responded.
"Well lets send you."
The light then dissapeard nd after a few confusing seconds, we were transported into a room where we were humans.
"You look so pretty!" Duusuu yelled excitedly.
"T-thanks so a-are you." I shockedly, but happily, responded.
"Ahh I love romance,"
"HUH-!" We both responded as we weren't expeting that.
"Anyways you have an hour to sort your self out/Look more human and create plans.
Editors note: This is just the Analog I will write 1000-1500 words each chapter! Plrase stick around and reead this book its an origianal idea! 476 words.

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