The Nightmares

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Gorya was dreaming of that time. The moment she witnessed Thyme hit the floor, blood seeping into his gray suit. No one would allow her to get close to him. Even when they reached the hospital, she remembered she had wanted to follow him into the Operating room but the F3 held her back. She was scared for him. Gorya jolted awake. She picked up her phone. It read 5 am. She witnessed the sunrise and watched as the sky changed colors. Sighing deeply, It has been a long time since she even thought about his injury. Gorya thought about how he would tease her if he saw her in his room. On the yacht.

Mind made up, she pulled down the sheet and proceeded to head to Thyme's room. She was outside his door. She opened it slowly, sliding in, carefully. She let her eyes adjust to the different layout of his room. She saw how he had the curtains in his room. The sun wasn't leaking in as much as it was in the room he gave her. When her eyes were adjusted, she took a seat on the opposite side of his bed, wanting to be near him. More than anything she had wanted to see his scar.

When Thyme rolled over, facing her, his eyes were still closed. She took her opportunity. With shaking hands, she lifted his shirt to his right side. Gorya lightly brushed her fingers over the subtle, raised scar. She couldn't stop herself from staring at it. She noticed Thyme was still sleeping. She could tell his jet lag was horrible. With great reluctance, Gorya lowered his shirt back down and quietly removed herself from his bed. She denied the temptation to kiss him. Leaving his room, she turned and looked back to Thyme. She couldn't believe how she was able to change a violent, hotheaded guy into a kind, loving, and fun one. How can an ordinary girl make such a difference? Miracles do happen. In this case, Thyme Akira Paramaanantra became the man she wanted. First, he was her nemesis. Later, he was the first guy she kissed although it was by accident. As time went on he liked to spend time with her, trying everything he could to impress her. Like the time he chose to buy a bus for her to have better travel time. She left his room, closing his door silently.

Gorya knew how Thyme thought. He wanted to make any time he had with her last. So naturally, she knew she would be returning home late this evening. Gorya went back to bed, her head hitting the pillow. She conked out immediately.

Thyme was dreaming when he finished roaring at Gorya in the classroom she managed to push him into after she had hugged Ren. But in his dream, instead of being scared of him after he attempted to hit her, Gorya stepped forward, staring at him with complete determination. She said in an echoed voice, "Go ahead and hit me. A free shot. Do you know what that would prove? The only person you love is yourself, Thyme! Maybe you need to remember you aren't a decent guy! Ren wouldn't have been my Knight In Shining Armor, did you think of that? Think of all the things you've done to me and really think about why I love Ren so much! I never wanted your love, Thyme. Your love has done nothing but be an inconvince." Gorya stared at him. When she looked into his eyes, which were filled with anger and sorrow. She didn't care that he was in pain. Most of all, he didn't want to hear how much she had fallen in love with Ren, his best friend! "I would never love you. You have anger and violence issues and I wouldn't choose that. You decided to change too late. P'Ren is the only guy I would ever want." Thyme's eyes twitched, and he furrowed his eyebrows. As he listened, a scowl appeared on his face, and all the while tears started pooling in his eyes. Gorya continued. "You can't even let me be happy. Ren makes me happy! He's twice the man you will ever be, Thyme!"

In his dream, she had shoved him, she was cruel to him. No, this wasn't his Gorya. He remembered when Gorya had shoved him, and said some cruel things to him when she was fooled into breaking up with him because of his Mother's lies. No, Gorya would never want to hurt him. Gorya's heart was generous! For the anguish he put her through, Gorya had forgiven him right away. Nevertheless, he still despised himself. How could he even think of harming Gorya? Thyme tried to take over this nightmare. In a weak whisper, His eyes found hers again. He gripped her shoulders gently but firmly as he replied, "I'm sorry for everything. I really am. I will make you happy. Choose me, Gorya."

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