Hypno Baron's Castle

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Johaar and Shantae have went around the streets, as they used the money to buy some new abilities. For Shantae, she got used Mega Shampoo, Mega Silky Cream, Magic Bracelet, Metronome, Backdash, Warp Dance, Super Mega Puff, and Invincibility. Basically, she has got a lot of power on her hands because of what she has now gained. Now she will have a much more easier time with the traps that she will have to encounter in the later trips that she will have when she goes out to go for more missions.

For Johaar, he also gained some new techniques of his own. He has gained Evasive Shot, where he dodged the attack by leaping backwards and fired his arrow, Archer Return, where he uses a Sigil to parry an attack and he then swings his Bow at the target, Stinging Shot, where he displaces an enemy further from him using his Arrow, Archer's Stare, where he shoots 3 times, each shot faster then the last one, Balancer, where he rights himself back up after he gets hit, Mustang, where he can use his enemies as platforms, and Raining Spears, where he makes a lot of spears in the air and they then rain down on top of an opponent, skewering them and freezing them in place, until they explode and do slight damage them.

The Magic Carpet Uniforms that Johaar had sold to one of the merchants that make and sell clothes gave him a lot of money, and splitting it with Shantae( they are able to get as much as they did. Of course, both Shantae and Johaar have no idea what has happened to Ammo Baron and his cronies, as well as Twitch and Vinegar, but they seem to have gone off somewhere where they will be on their own to recover. And the Magic Carpet Uniforms, they are used by by people from far away. Luckily, it is of people that wanted to use it for entertainment, and nothing more. Johaar checked to see if it is legitimate, and it indeed is. So he allowed them to have it, in order for them to try and make more of them, and he still kept a few of the Magic Carpet Uniforms for to others to have.

Right now, Johaar is walking around all over Scuttle Town, his Bow strapped to his back, as he has his hands in his pocket. He sighed, as he has one of the Magic Carpwt Uniforms in a backpack of his. This is simply a spare one for himself in case he loses it, not that he ever loses stuff. But even so, he's going to take it just in case he needs it. But as he walks around, a voice spoke out.

"Umm...excuse me, mister?"

This made Johaar look down and he sees 2 people before him. One of which is a young boy, holding a lollipop in his hand, and another is a teenager, most likely the boy's older brother, as the older boy spoke out.

"Hey, aren't you one of the 2 that won the race back there?"

Johaar nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I am. Why?"

The young boy goes forward and spoke out.

"Well...if yon don't mind...do you have...one of those flying coats with you? I can give you my Lollipop in return."

This made Johaar confused, as why would a young boy want it. But he than looks at the older boy, and he realizes that there is an urgent look on his face. It must be very important to him. He signed, as he then puts down his backpack, unzips it; and takes one the purple Magical Uniform, as he spoke out.

"Well...based on that expression. You seem desperate about something. Okay, here. You can have it."

The Young Boy smiled, as the older spoke out.

"Thank you. I need this."

He took it, and the young boy smiled, as he gave Johaar his lollipop, which he had not eaten yet.

"Sweet. Hopefully, we can get to mother on time, make sure she's okay and all of that."

The young boy nodded, as the older boy wore the coat, held onto the younger boy, and flies off as fast as he can, as Johaar sighed, before he grips the Lollipop in his hand tightly, being careful not to drop it. He then tucks it away and then, he head's Shantae spoke out.

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