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It's time to introduce Akaashi

Warning: mention of trafficking, abuse, trauma nightmares

Kazane lept up from her bed, she was covered in sweat and was panting trying to get air into her lungs. desperately she looked around, not wanting to see the hotel rooms or the men on top of her for all those years. instead, she found herself in her room.

she frantically searched her bed for her teddy bear. hugging him tightly once he was found

she had these nightmares all the time, she struggled to eat, move, talk, and even sleep. 

 Kenma, Kazumi, Saya, and so many more are her friends from all those years ago. she didn't know whether they were dead or alive. she had given her rabbit a squeeze. Kazane took a shaking hand, petting the soft fur of Aiko, she felt herself calming down the more Aiko helped her. looking around Kazane took in her surrounding, relieved that she was in her bedroom, she sighed in relief. looking over at her alarm clock she read 3:30 AM, Kazane kissed Aiko's head and climbed out of bed, careful to avoid her feeding tube, clutching her bear. she sat in a corner shaking struggling to calm her own nerves. Kazane remained sitting in a corner, cuddled in a blanket, clutching her teddy bear with Aiko in her lap, keeping her company. soon sunlight began seeping through her curtains. 

later that day she got ready to leave the safe house and headed toward the hospital, Akaashi had been due for a check-up, when she was found she was severely malnourished, and with some severe brain damage, and lung damage.  she carried around a backpack, that fed her nutrients, and another that gave her air. As a part of the houses, rules. each girl was not allowed to leave without the company of one person. Tooru was due for a checkup too, so she went with Kazane. 

The two walked, with Kazane listening to Tooru about her new love for volleyball. Tooru had picked up volleyball while recovering in the hospital. she had been non-verbal all day. feeling the pain of the anesthesia, and her injuries. the doctor had begun changing channel after channel. until he reached a volleyball game. Once he was out of the room Tooru, watched the tv. when the match was finished she wanted to try it. eventually, they reached the hospital. once they were she was checked in she and Tooru sat down in the waiting room, Kazane had brought her rabbit and clutched her tightly. she hated being in public places, they made her feel anxious. and she felt her Tooru try to touch her only for her to flinch away. the eye was wide with fear, her bear clutching her chest. Tooru showed her hands showing she meant no harm. she helped Kazane calm down as the two of them waited to be called.

The checkup had gone well, Kazane had gained a pound putting her at 90lbs, and her lungs were also developing nicely. she'd still need the air support for some time, but her body was slowly starting to heal. once she was released, she and Tooru had been greeted by officer Yukimura, who led them to a room.  When Akaashi walked into the hospital room, she walked closer to the bed, Yukimura and Dr. Shikamaru. she took a good at the girl. She had various tubes and wires connected to her, feeding her with nourishment and sedatives. Her face was black and blue, stitches lining her head, and face.  She had barely recognized the Kenma that she once knew.

"How has she been doing?" Tooru asked, sitting down on a wooden chair.

"She's been put into a medically induced coma, due to her injuries," Yukimura answered. "They have her in some really heavy sedatives right now. Kazane nodded. it looked like Kenma had been tortured by her master, and abandoned to die. she was happy Kenma was alive though, after years of thinking Kenma had died, she was glad she hadn't. "Kazane-san, do you mind if I ask you some questions about Kenma?" Yukimura asked, watching Kazane's grip tighten on the leash of Aiko, and her hold around the rabbit had tightened too.  looking at Kenma's form. She had oxygen being pumped into his nose through a cannula. (I had to look up what it was called.)After some time, Kazane eventually nodded. taking a seat, she still held Kenma's hand tightly. she looked down, waiting to be questioned.

"Alright, Are you ready?"

she hesitantly nodded.

"Alright, how old was Kenma when you first met her?"

"S-she was around nine years old.."

"Alright, where did you meet her?"

"I-I, We met when my second master, sold me to my third master. I was thrown into a room, and when I found out I wasn't alone, I saw Kenma for the first time.

as time went by all of Yukimura's questions had been answered, smiling. he got up and approached Kazane, knowing how contact scared the girl, he bowed and thanked her. leaving the room. According to Kazane, she and kenma had lived in the same room together with three other girls, who had gone on for about four years. until they were auctioned again and sold off. Kazane hadn't wanted to leave Kenma alone, but with the promise, she could visit. she reluctantly left with Oikawa.

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