The Very Beginning Of Madness

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"you tried your best Coffee Candy Cookie.. but I'm not so sure if this mistake.. no error can be fixed"

"I'm so sorry Baguette Cookie I didn't know this would happen I'll bring this up to the director right away" The young cookie apologized and rushed over to the director. Baguette didn't say anything and just watched as the strange void on the floor get wider and wider. Hearing about the situation they {Timekeeper, Croissant, Sting Gummy, Maple Taffy, and Dark Fondue} rushed to what used to be Baguette's office. Baguette sighed and left the area not wanting to look back at her workplace, it upsets her to know all her hard work has been tarnished. "Coffee Candy what did you do?!!"Maple Taffy looked at the office then he looked over at Coffee Candy. "I-I'm sorry I was trying to use one of my lover's magic tricks to decorate her office for her birthday to show her we remembered" Coffee Candy sniffled. String gummy picked her up and dried her tears "don't be too harsh on her, she's young she's still learning, when we figure out how to make this disappear we can rebuild Baguette's office". "A cookie.. we must sacrifice a cookie if we want this out of here" Timekeeper looked at the pitch-black void. "W-what are you crazy?!!" Maple Taffy exclaimed. "Silence Taffy honey.. with all that yelling you might lose your voice.. anyway if we must choose a cookie to sacrifice then I choose Coffee Candy" Dark Fondue clung onto Maple Taffy's arm with a sly smile lurking onto her face. Baguette stopped in her tracks and glared at Dark Fondue "what did you just say.." her glare was enough to scare Maple Taffy into protecting his wife. "N-now now Baguette no need to get upset at my beloved, the only cookie we all should be mad at is Coffe Candy I mean come on she destroyed your office!" Maple Taffy defended her but it was clear Baguette wasn't faced. "You better watch yourself if you know what's best for you and your child" Baguette threatened, pointing her pocket knife toward her neck and then to her stomach, carrying her unborn baby. Dark Fondue smiled a bit wider "I know you know better than to touch my child". "P-please don't fight you two, I think our best bet is just a random coworker" Maple Taffy tried to resolve everything. "Honeyyy I want to get rid of Coffee Candy" Dark Fondue looked over at him. "I want to chop you up limb by limb and sacrifice your baby!" Baguette snapped. "Baguette that's enough! Just calm down!!" Croissant took the knife out of her hand and held her back. Baguette took some deep breaths and calmed down but she still was upset at Dark Fondue. "Let's just use a random member this is getting ridiculous.." String gummy sighed as he took care of a weeping Coffee Candy. "Agreed," Timekeeper and Croissant said at the same time, both smiling. "Agreed.." Baguette took another deep breath before finally calming down. "Well, then it's been decided.. we're choosing someone who didn't even cause the problem instead of the one who did, very wise guys" Dark Fondue huffed and stayed close to Maple Taffy. Timekeeper left the room and blindfolded a random cookie and lead them into the void and there before their very eyes the void has vanished. Baguette took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes, she was so tired after wasting so much energy on a cookie who didn't even deserve a reaction. "don't worry Baguette you can share a room with me until we get everything fixed" Croissant said with a smile as she wrapped herself around her arm. "I'll stay the night with the both of you!" Timekeeper commented clinging onto her other arm. Baguette looked at Timekeeper then looked over at Croissant, she smiled and said "sounds fine with me".

"somethings are better left unspoken.. we shall never talk about this situation EVER again"

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