The Pain Of The Past

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"Sometimes you must sacrifice someone or something to get to where you want in life"

Maple Taffy looked over his shoulder, it had been at least two days after the incident since he last talked to Baguette. He got up and made his way to start a conversation with her. She seemed tired and extremely busy. He sighed and left her alone for a while until he knew for sure her shift was over so he could talk to her, he wanted to see how she's been holding up after the whole thing went down. A few hours passed, and Maple Taffy finally spoke to Baguette. Maple Taffy walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder, he had a warm smile. Baguette looked at him, she could care less about smiling back "is there something you need Maple Taffy Cookie?..". "Oh! I don't need anything! I just wanted to ask how you've been these past few days" He answered her question. She huffed "I could've been better.. I have to return home today my parents weren't so happy I didn't go home and stayed with Croissant Cookie and the director instead". "Oh my, sounds like you have overprotective parents" Maple Taffy commented. "I don't trust you enough to tell you about what goes on in my home" Baguette looked away. "I completely understand but just so you know I'm always here for ya if you need help!" Maple Taffy gleamed before Baguette left the room. Maple Taffy couldn't help but worry about Baguette, she did show signs of childhood trauma but he didn't think it was THAT bad. Dark Fondue walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders "what's the matter, honey? you seem worried.." she asked him. Maple Taffy jumped and looked at her. "Please don't come up on me like that- but you don't have to worry about me I'm completely fine! If there's something wrong you know I'd go to you to talk about it," He told her, and kissed her on the lips. She smiled and kissed him back "I'm glad you trust me, sweetheart". Meanwhile, with Baguette, she was writing things down, she was writing the days she had to stay here on her calendar. Baguette's schedule was packed like usual, there was rarely a moment she had to spare with her friends. Maple Taffy felt bad for her, his older sister. He hated to see her this stressed, he knows she doesn't deserve any of this. He walked passed her to give something to his wife as a little gift. Hours passed, and Baguette soon had to leave to go home everyone said their goodbyes except Maple Taffy cause he left with her to protect his older sister like she used to protect him. Baguette opened the door to the home and let Maple Taffy in first, their mother and father welcomed him with open arms except for Baguette. She was instantly sent to her room to get some more work done Maple Taffy followed close behind her. She patted him on the head and got to work. Maple Taffy stayed close to his sister. More hours went by and Baguette got her work done and Maple Taffy fell asleep. She picked him up and took him to his room and tucked him in under the covers like the role model older sister she is. She returned to her room and there she was met with croissant and Timekeeper. "Uhm.. how did you get into my room?.." Baguette asked them. "We snuck in through the back cause your parents were out smoking in the front" Timekeeper explained, Croissant nodded to confirm that's how they got in. "Very well then.. is there a reason as to why you came here?" Baguette asked as she sat in between both of them. "To see you of course! :D" Croissant gleamed before Baguette placed her pointer finger on her lips. "shh.. my parents don't allow me to invite people over if they know you two are here they're gonna whoop my ass" she whispered to her and Timekeeper. Croissant and Timekeeper nodded and wrapped themselves around her, giving her kisses on any scars out in the open. Baguette was pretty flustered but she was majorly happy to know people like her. Timekeeper took off Baguette's glasses and set them off to the side as Croissant pulled Baguette on top of her and fell asleep. It wasn't long before Baguette found herself sleeping in between both of them, it's quite rare for Baguette to get proper sleep but this time it was different. Well, it felt that way until the next morning when Baguette first woke up. She noticed how badly beaten her face was when she looked at herself in the mirror. "Of course, they hit me when I'm asleep.." she sighed as she used some of her old mother's makeup to cover up the abuse. She walked back to her room and woke Timekeeper and croissant up before leaving to wake up her brother. She was still speechless after what happened last night but she loved them both so it didn't bother her too much. She took everyone to work, but she was soon pulled to the side by String Gummy. It wasn't anything too serious he just wanted to make sure she was alright and if there was anything wrong she could come to him. She smiled and nodded before heading back to the office she shared with Croissant {cause her office was still being rebuilt}. She was having trouble focusing due to random flashbacks she was having, she hated her parents she wished she could save her old mother and she could convince her father that cheating on her dying mother isn't such a good idea, she blamed everything on herself, she even blamed herself for allowing her parents to confine her to her desk in her room, she was in such a bad state when she was young. Timekeeper walked up to her and gave her a cup of coffee, she sat on her lap and wrapped her arms around her shoulders "I'm so proud of you Baguette sweetheart, you really should take a break". "I appreciate your concern, Director I guess I should take a break before the work is due" she rubbed her eyes. Timekeeper kissed her on the cheek "thank you, sweetheart". She smiled a bit and replied "no problem dear"

"Not every being has a good parent.. out of everyone I know your parents are truly cruel"

{I was gonna make baguette kill her parents but that can wait a bit}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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