Chapter Two

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Warnings: Drama, Anxiety/Panic attack

(Readers POV)
I walked in history first period and sat my backpack next to my chair and sat down. A few minutes later my bestfriends Ian and Mikennah walked in the class. Ian sat next to me, and Mikennah sat across from me.

Then.....Ashton... my ex, walked in. And sat across from Ian. But I ignored Ashton and look at Mikennah and saw her smirking. "Mikennah?" I said raising my eyebrow. She looked at me and quickly said.
"itotallydidntreadmaskyxreadersmutat3inthemorning!" I just looked at her weird.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I laughed.

"I- i-......I totally didn't read masky x reader smut at 3 in the morning!" She said. I just froze for a second, and started laughing again.

"WHAT?!? MIKENNAH!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???" I yelled laughing. Mikennah started laughing too.

Then Ashton had to ruin the moment. "Woah! What were you reading Mikennah?" He asked raising his eyebrow weirdly.
"Nothing." I said sternly.

"I wasn't talking to you." He replied back. Mikennah just sighed.

"You guys need to stop fighting. It's really getting annoying. You need to get over it." She said annoyed.

"Sorry......" I said.
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It was finally time for third period. One of my least favorite classes. Only because my other ex is in it. And because of these two fake bitches. When I got in class I sat down in my seat. I took a piece of gum out of my backpack and unwrapped it, and put it in my mouth.

As soon as I started chewing it, I hear someone ask. "Can I have a piece?" I looked up at who it was and it turned out to be one of the two bitches.(u forgot her name so I'll just call her Morgan.)

it was Morgan. I just looked at her and waited for her to just turn back around and talk to her friend, Aiyana. Only because I didn't want to say no, if I said no it would probably cause problems.
After a few hours, anxiety randomly kicked in, and caused me to start tapping the desk with my nail, and I zoned out.

But then I heard my teacher call my name. "(Name)! Can you please stop? The tapping is distracting other students." She asked. I just nodded a little.

But then after a few minutes I started doing it again. And the girls started getting more annoyed, I heard one of them threaten to throw something at my head if I didn't stop.
But then my leg started getting uncomfortable which caused me to started kicking the chair leg.

then I heard the girls whispering. "She's obviously doing it on purpose. She just wants attention.." then I froze and slowly turned to them and snapped.

"For your information I have anxiety. So you can SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I snapped. "Ok, (Name). You need to go to the office now." I heard my teacher say, but I didn't get up, my breath just quickened, and it hurt, and that when I felt tears falling out of my eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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