Chapter X: It's A Lovely Planet, Isn't It?

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Warning: This chapter involves slight descriptions of an injury. And major angst.


Mando's head turned to the direction he heard Nylah yell just moments ago. He stepped off the porch and started for her. It could be one of two things: She messed up on something and is going to have to redo it (because she is so dramatic she'd yell that), or there is actually something wrong.

Mando carefully moved past the group that had formed around her. When he got to the middle, Nylah was sitting on the ground, holding her arm. Blood dropped from a large  wound on her forearm. A cut? A gouge, more like. Nylah's head looked from the injury up to Mando. Tears brimmed her eyes. Mando turned to Stoke and Caben, who were next to her, panicking.

"What did you do?" He yelled at them. They jumped at the boom of his voice.

"It's not their fault," Nylah spoke up with a shaky voice. Mando sighed, and knelt on the ground in front of her.

"Let me see," he said gently, gesturing for her to bring her arm closer. She placed her arm in his outstretched hands and watched as he examined the injury.

"It's deep. You're gonna need stitches." Nylah groaned, almost crying out.

"Come on, I'll do it in the barn." He carefully helped her stand and escorted her past the staring villagers and to their shared barn.

He led her to the wicker chair in the corner of their barn. Nylah sat while he retrieved his med-pack. Kneeling in front of her, he once again grabbed her arm. She didn't realize she was shaking until his grasp steadied her.

"I need to clean it. Then I'll stitch it. Okay?" He asked.

She nodded. Pain as her biggest enemy. Even the smallest of bruises took her down.

Mando held up a small, white bottle, "This is going to disinfect it, but it's going to hurt."

Nylah nodded again and braced herself as he uncapped the bottle and tipped the end over her arm. Nylah flinched when the liquid hit her wound. It burned into her arm and she started to pull away but Mando held on.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," She cried, but Mando tightened his grip, trying his best not to hurt her even further.

After a moment, the worst of it was over but a sting lingered. Mando immediately got to work. Everything was a blur to Nylah. The fingertips of her left arm, her good arm, scratched at the wicker armrest. Mando gave her no warning with the first stitch. Nylah jerked again.

"Stop moving," Mando demanded.

"It hurts," Nylah spit back, her teeth clenched in pain.

"Don't focus on the pain. Think of something else."

"How can I focus on something else when you're shoving a needle in my arm?"

"Where did you go after you left Raydonia?" Nylah's eyes snapped to Mando's shiny helmet.

"You remembered I'm from Raydonia?"

"I don't ignore everything you say."

Nylah pulled her eyes from his helmet to his hands as they worked on stitching her arm. The rough material of his gloves gently holding the skin.


"Right, um, I had never been off the planet so I went everywhere. Any planet that would allow me. Like places out there like DQar or Dosunn, and some of the bigger, more populated planets like Corellia or Hosnian Prime. I was even able to visit Alderaan before it was destroyed." She could practically

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