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Harry stared blankly at the gringotts letter in his hand.

Dear Mr.Potter,
We goblins here at the Gringotts Wizarding bank in Diagon Alley, request to have a conference with you.
We have discovered some illegal withdrawals from your vaults along with many valuable Potter family items that have gone missing.
We wish for this meeting to take place today at 1:30 this afternoon.

Potter Family Goblin

Harry didn't understand how he hadn't realized multiple of his belongings had gone missing, but as of now, he knew only one person who was capable of stealing straight from his vaults, and that was the man he had grown to trust and the one who currently has Harry's vault key.

Albus Dumbledore.

Breaking himself out of his thoughts about that man, he sighed and looked at the time.

Realizing he had about 45 minutes to get ready before the meeting.

He stood and walked to his trunk and grabbed his clothes, before walking into the dorm room bathroom.

This was the first activity he had done since he watched his boyfriend die.

Harry had been dating Cedric Diggory during the Triwizard tournament and was supposed to be mourning over his dead lover.

Just thinking about Cedric's death had him almost smiling, but then he remembered the kids he had to give to the Weasleys twins when they were born.

Yes, Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter had sex, resulting in Harry being pregnant and giving birth to triplets, three months after Cedric's death.

Harry missed his kids, and he would have to remind himself to send a letter to the twins for a meeting so he could see them.

Two weeks before Cedric died, however, Harry and Cedric had bonded after Cedric asked him to marry him.

Harry was so excited, but after the ceremony, he witnessed a conversation between his husband and Dumbledore.


"Good job Cedric my boy. You have gotten him to fully trust you. I hope that he is expecting as we speak?" Dumbledore says.

Cedric smirked at the older man and nodded.

"He's been expecting for five months now. When the children are born, I trust you will kill him as you have said. His company truly is a burden." Cedric said and Harry had to cast a silencing charm over himself to stop the sobs that were wreaking from his body.

"Of course I will." Dumbledore responded.

Harry felt as if his heart was torn out of his chest.

His first love turned to only be someone looking for his fortune and fame.

Tears streamed down his face and sobs left his throat so easily.

-two weeks later-

"Cedric watch out!" Harry cries out as he watched the rat many say the two words that broken his family apart the first time.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Pettigrew yelled and the Harry watched as his husband fell to the ground.

He almost smiled but before he could, he was bound to a statue and his head was wringing.

The next moments went by in a blurr and Harry didn't realize what was happening before he felt a searing pain go through his head and the dark lord speaking to him.

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