We all have secrets

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The night turned exactly the opposite of what they all expected. It became a downer for everyone with perplexity and sorrow.

The sun rose up, welcoming them for a new day, but their wills were broken. They were all sitting at the bench tables at the open bar of Rocel, and there was Thalasia door on a tree right beside the hut. Sha was kept in Thalasia, treated her wounds by Ming, she is still unconscious, and there was Aly, sitting on a chair right beside at the bed wherein sha was laying, Aly was all bandaged up as mentioned before, her ribs were fractured as she was holding the hand of unconscious sha, gazing at her with weeping eyes.

Aly: *Her whole upper body was covered in bandages, she was holding into sha's hands tightly, keeping her gaze right at her face, pursing her lips as tears kept descending down her eyes.* S..sha.. *She stuttered her name while she was still sobbing.* Please wake up... sha... *She then closes her eyes as she reminisced the scene where specifically Andi died.* urhhhh.. hh.. *She stutters further before shakes her head while still sobbing, and looks back at sha again.* Hmm.. hh.. Sha... I don't know whats going on.. hh.. but, Why am I getting hurt, why am I in this pain, seeing someone who I just met is now dying in me? Sha.. ! *She sobs as she kept talking in sorrow.* Please.. ghh... w..wake up.. hh.. *She repeatedly whine as she lays upon her head on sha's hand which she was holding at the same time as she proceed to kept crying while still talking towards her with the words that sha could not hear at all.* hh.. w..why am I feeling this.. w..why.. .

Meanwhile, at the open bar, right outside of Thalasia.

Everyone was sitting at the benches except yoshida, he was stading leaning his back against a tree, and yasu kurayami who was standing at the bar a bit far from the squad members, none of them were talking, they are lost in thoughts, about the very incident that happened, until Ky broke the silence.

Ky: *With a wistful expression upon his eyes* What should we do now? Sis sha, when will she wake up?

Ave: We have no idea, ky.. a many things happened.. and as you can see.. it was overwhelming and everything got complicated.. sha is in depth traumatized from what she witnessed.. even I don't know when she will gain consciousness. *Tension and worrisome was present in her voice*

Ming: if.. just if... if we knew about Andi beforehand... *she then advert her head on the flooring as she stammer*

Jiao: Tchs.. *he made a click from his tongue upon hearing Ming, With it he made a slammed on the table with his hand, he stands up furiously as he glare immediately towards Yoshida who was standing a bit far from their each other's distances, Jiao would firmly clenched his fists before he rushed right after at yoshida. Upon getting closer towards yoshida, he grabbed at his collar before he pinned him violently against the tree that he was leaning before as this would cause strong thud upon the force* You!! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT.. YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER... *Roared by his words as his anger was fuming.*

Yoshida: *He gasps upon the brute force at him, clenching his teeth as he was pinned hardly against the stem of the tree* Tchs.... *He glared right back at Jiao too, as if he was angry as well* What do you want me to do huh?! What should I have done!? Should I have said, 'HEY SHA! I KNOW YOUR BROTHER, HE JOINED YOUR ENEMIES AND IS NOW EVIL.. HUNH!!??' *He yelled as he grabbed back Jiao's hands that's on him and pushed him away*

Jiao: Tchs... YOU BASTARD!! *He quickly throws his fist meaning to punch yoshida with no hesitation but full of wrathful intent albeit his fist was suddenly halt.* hhh..

Ave: *With her hands on the chest of both Yoshida and Jiao, stopping them as she interrupts between them.* ENOUGH, JUST STOP! This is not the time to blame each other.. Both of you Cut it out... We all had secrets kept from each other, don't we?

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