Seas The Day!

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"Leviathan, why do you wish to go to the Human Realm?"

Leviathan's eyes widened slightly as his anxiety heightened. Why was he so nervous to ask permission from Diavolo to go to the Human Realm? Was he worried that, given his excuse may not be deemed good enough, his request would be denied? Either way, this was something he really wanted, more than anything in the Demon Realm, and he was determined to get it.

"The beaches, sir," Leviathan mustered up all of his courage and said directly to the demon prince. "I want to go to the human world to see their beaches, in person."

Diavolo raised an eyebrow.

"The beaches? What's so interesting about them?"

Leviathan exhaled quietly.

"The beaches in the Human Realm are said to be beautiful, even rivaling the beauty of the Celestial Realm's beaches. I've also heard they contain some remarkable creatures. I would very well like to go and see them myself, if it is alright with you of course!"

"And how long would you plan on staying?"

"Only a few days, a week at maximum. Please sir!"

Diavolo smiled at the normally shy demon's boldness.

"I'll allow you to go, on one condition. You must bring at least one of your brothers with you. I'd personally suggest Lucifer, although any one you pick will suffice."

Leviathan's eyes lit up as he smiled with joy.

"Thank you sir! I'll be sure to bring back souvenirs!"

Leviathan bowed respectfully before rushing towards the House Of Lamentation, where he wasted no time in packing for his trip.

He must have made quite a racket, as four of his brothers seemingly arrived out of nowhere.

"Leviathan, what in Diavolo's name are ya doin?!" Mammon practically yelled as he walked through the door.

Leviathan grunted in acknowledgement and continued his activities. At this, Mammon frowned.

"What's all the racket? I'm trying to sleep!" Belphegor yawned from the hallway, glaring into Leviathan's room, taking a while for his eyes to adjust to the dim blueish glow.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Satan peeked his head in the door before stepping inside. He noticed a couple of suitcases, all half full of clothes, and shot Leviathan a questioning glance.

"Hm?" Beelzebub attempted to say around a mouthful of spicy rainbow pizza as he peered around his older brothers to see Leviathan rushing around his room in an excited blur.

"I actually have a favor to ask one of you," Leviathan said, stopping his movement for a few seconds to talk and catch his breath.

"Sure, but it'll cost ya!" Mammon grinned, holding out his hand as though he expected a cash payment upfront. At this, Leviathan glared and gently swatted his hand away.

"And that's why I wasn't gonna ask you specifically!" Leviathan turned to his younger brothers. "Have any of you seen Asmo today? I need to ask him something."

Satan tilted his head up slightly, glancing at the ceiling with a hand on his chin in his "thinking pose."

"Last I knew he was in his room painting his nails and reading magazines. I can go check if you want."

Leviathan smiled.

"Great! Thanks Satan!"

Satan left, as did the others, and a few minutes after, Asmodeus appeared, in all of his beautiful glory.

"Satan said you needed me!" Asmodeus said excitedly. "What can I do ya for, Leviachan?"

Leviathan smiled at the nickname.

"I got permission from Lord Diavolo to go to the Human Realm, and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me!"

Asmodeus beamed.

"Awwww Leviachannnnn~" he said in a singsong voice before hugging his older brother. "You're so sweet! Of course I'll go with ya!"

Asmodeus left, skipping away to go pack some (30-) suitcases.

Leviathan smiled to himself, glancing over at Henry and thinking about the upcoming trip.


"Wowwww!" Asmodeus exclaimed. "I'd forgotten how beautiful Y/C was!"

Leviathan gazed out upon the harbor from his and his brother's perch upon a seaside cliff, the sunlight glaring off of the water absolutely breathtaking. He took a deep breath in, taking note of the calming saltiness of the sea. Closing his eyes, he could heard the calls of birds, the movement of the boats, the waves hitting the dock. It was all so surreal.

"Come on Leviachan!" Asmodeus said excitedly, grasping Leviathan's arm. "Let's go down to the sand!"

"H-hey, wait!" Leviathan stumbled, tripping over his own feet as the excited avatar of lust dragged him towards the shoreline.

"Excuse me, pardon me, coming through!" Asmodeus weaved his way through the crowd on the boardwalk, causing Leviathan to get shoved, elbowed and occasionally kicked.

Suddenly the air was knocked out of Leviathan as he felt something strike him almost head-on. Looking down while coughing, he took notice of a human with H/C hair. Rubbing their head, they glared up at him, causing him to slightly shrink away in fear.

"What's the deal?" The human exclaimed in a frustrated tone.

"I-I'm really sorry!" Leviathan flushed and apologized. He didn't know whether it was the heat making him sweat and heat up, or if it was this (absolutely beautiful) human before him.

"You'd better be!" They growled, standing up and shoving past him.

Leviathan exhaled dramatically. Who knew humans could be callous! Glancing in the direction in which the human disappeared, he found no trace of them, only a sea of unrecognizable people.

"Leviiiii!" Asmodeus whined as he appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. "What happened? Why did you disappear on me?"

"S-sorry! Let's go!" Leviathan snapped his head towards Asmodeus and began following him towards the beach.

And as hard as he tried, Leviathan couldn't seem to get that one human out of his head.


A/N: Hello nerds, it's most definitely been a while but I have returned, and with a new fanfic as well! I hope you guys like it, it's kind of a slow burn but I had fun thinking of the concept!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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