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Chris woke up from his sleep, took out his phone and saw his reminder, which said:
"Prom, tonight"

Chris read the message and thought:"It's already today, bro. I wonder if she'll come or not, or let me just text her."

The chat:

Chris:"Are you asleep, sleepyhead?"

Amelia:"Boy, you just woke me up, it's freaking 5 in the morning!"

Chris:"I know but anyway,I'm gonna pick you up for prom tonight."

Amelia"Oh, it's alright you don't need to-"

Chris:"Woman, I didn't ask, I said I'm gonna do it."

Amelia:"Oh thanks I guess..."

Chris:"Whatever, I'll see you then."


Both got offline, Amelia stood up from her bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
After 20 minutes, she came off wearing her school uniform, done her hair and put on some make up.

She entered the kitchen, seeing her older brother and her mother eating breakfast.

Olivia(Amelia's mom):"Good morning honey, did you sleep well?"

Amelia:"I slept good, what about you?"

Olivia(Amelia's mom):"Good too, thank you sweetheart."

Amelia smiled at her and ate breakfast. After 5 minutes, she headed off to school.

As usual, Chris went to his friends so did Amelia to hers.

Meanwhile by Chris

Chris:"Yo, what's up, boys?"

Max:"Nothing much, doing great. We got our suits, what about you?"

Chris:"Yeah, got mine too."

Alex:"Which one did you get?"

Chris:"I got it from Jack&Jones in black, what about you?"

Alex:"Woah, bro. You gotta chill, these suits cost like a thousand dollars."

Chris:"Yeah and? What's better, buying a suit or going to prom without one?"

Max:"You've gotta a point, at the same time Alex is right about the prices too."

Chris:"Whatever. By the way, shall we grab a drink at prom?"

Alex:"Like that idea, but not sure tho."



Meanwhile with Amelia and her friends

Amelia:"Hi girls!"

Lilith:"What's up?"

Amelia:"Nothing much, I need to tell you both something."

Victoria:"What is it?"

Amelia:"Chris just woke me up at 5 in the morning just to tell me that he is going to pick me up for prom tonight."

Victoria:"Woah girl! Every girl is lucky to ride in a car like his, you'll definitely make his ex jealous."

Lilith:"I know right."

Amelia:"I know, but he literally woke me up from a very  nice dream!"

Lilith:"Was the dream about him?"


Amelia:"No I did no-."

*School bell rings*

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