The mission

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I was looking forward to a great night after a long day of tiresome works. I was just locking up when I felt a stinging pain on my chest but I just ignored it. I got in my car and immediately drove home but not before stopping at a McDonald restaurant to pick an order because I was too tired to cook. I got home, took a shower and finished my assignment because I planned sleeping and resting all weekend. After I was done, I had my dinner then brushed my teeth and went to sleep at around 12am


At a cartoonish looking world , Alex had just finished his class and was walking home when he was lucky enough to come across his boyfriend Claude. He was so tired and looked so unwell scaring Claude. He reassured him he was ok but not before throwing up at the local washroom. After they reached home , Alex had to force himself to take his meds and rest a little. Claude made dinner as Alex was busy showering. They'd planned movie night and Claude got everything ready waiting for Alex to come downstairs. He cuddled next to Claude and they watched till 2 am when they finally slept.

Alex couldn't sleep because of the constant knocking on the window. He saw a gruesome figure stare back at him before it wondered off. He got spooked out and rushed to Claude's room. They heard someone break open the door and Claude told Alex to seek help from the human world. He hesitates but finally agrees and fetches his magical wand waving it in the air creating a portal to the human world

Meanwhile at 3 am

I see a light then it finally vanishes with a loud thud followed by it. I hear a soft voice calling me to wake up and sobs between it. I wake upon to see a cartoonish looking boy staring back at me. I think it is a dream and go back to sleep but the shaking and crying continues. I finally wake up and see a beautiful boy staring back at me with red eyes which are now swollen and he was so scared. I make him sit on my bed as I fetch a glass of milk and hand it to him which he accepts and continues crying. I ask him what the problem was and says that an invader broke into their house and his boyfriend Claude is trapped with a probably murderer. I calm him down and ask him to take me to his home. He waves his wand and we are sacked in a portal and reach his house. We hide behind a sofa because the intruder was still inside. He enters Alex's room and he tried to scream but I shut his mouth as I pulled out the gun I brought with me for protection. I told Him to get the phone quickly before the monster returns. I call the cops as he gently grabs my arms holding too tight. I hear his boyfriend breathing hard and he was still in Alex's room we hurried to him and locked the door. Those two were overwhelming me with absolute cuteness overloading I had to avoid staring. They were holding on to me as I sat in front of them holding the gun as the murderer kept pounding the door hard. We were glad as sirens could be heard from a far though the man managed to open the door. He was about to launch at us but not before I pulled the trigger shooting him in his arm , leg and stomach. He was arrested and I helped repair the door. Alex came hugging me from behind and Claude couldn't stop thanking me. I told them they could always call whenever they faced a threat because I was also training to be an officer.

Alex took me to my world but I constantly call them to check if they are ok


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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