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It's been two days since we came from the trip, Arjun went out of India for his meeting. I walked inside my mansion and suddenly I heard my father's voice, I flinched.

"Shreya, I need to talk to you"

"W-What is it?" I asked and sat infront of him on sofa. "You are 23 already... And I think you should get married"
Ok I heard it wrong.... What?

"He's a really nice guy..."

"Wait wait... What do you mean? I have to get married? Are you serious papa? Am I joke to you?" I cutted him off. "I do everything you say....I never question you not even once... Even if that thing is against my will"

"But This.... This is unacceptable... I can't just marry any guy... I don't know him I don't know how he will treat me... How can you just hand over your own daughter to someone just like that?"

"Why papa? Atleast once listen to me... Don't snatch my right to love someone Please papa"

"I don't care... Get ready, You'll meet him tomorrow" He glared at me. "I WON'T!! I AM NOT GONNA MARRY SOMEONE WHOM I DON'T LOVE!!" I was angry yet helpless.

"You'll do whatever I'll tell you to so stop making a fuss and meet him tomorrow!!!"

"I can't believe this you are doing this to me! Am I really your daughter or are you really the father who loved me? What changed papa? Aisa kya kia hai maine jo apne mere baare main sochna hi xhoor diya?" I felt my tears coming into my eyes

(What have I ever did that you stopped thinking about me?)

"You know yourself what you did!"

"To aj bhi ap usse meri galti mante hai? Papa aj bhi??" I wiped my tears. "Thik hai... But don't regret after you loose me too!" I gave him last glance.

I ran upto my room and cried. He don't care about me, there was a hope that maybe....maybe he still loves me but he shattered them after giving me to someone else's hands.

Does he hate me that much?

I want my father back... The one who loved me... The one who was ready to do anything just to see me smile.... The one who was my best friend... The one I loved.... I want my papa...


(Shreya as 10 year kid)

"No papa!!! You are cheating!!" I whined

"No princess I am not..." He sat with me. We sat in garden. "You peeped from blindfold!" I pouted.

"No I did not!"

"Yes you did...mamma!!! Look papa is being unfair!"

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