Chapter 7 - Evangeline

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"Next, the Northern Kingdom contestants." Aisling said with her shrill voice.

Evangeline followed the other Northern Kingdom competitors out.

She had grown up in the spotlight, taught by her mother to take what she wants without thinking about the consequences.

There are no consequences for a princess, she had said.

But now Evangeline felt like the smallest being in the universe. Her steps were tiny and her breathing rapid. You'll be fine, She assured herself.

One of the guards came towards her, with a sword. Evangeline pulled out her own and swung it at the guard. With quick and agile twist of her blade, she disarmed him.

The guard got back up and sprinted towards Evangeline. She spun and twirled, swishing her blade back and forth.

She waved her hand, letting go of the sword for a split second. It threatened to drop out of her hand.

Snow blew across the stage towards the guard and ice formed under their feet. They cursed.

Evangeline was not tired. Not yet. Her mother had once forced her under water for long periods of time to be able to breath less. She had forced Evangeline to hang off of a wooden pole over an abyss. She had needed up with splinters an bruises and severe trauma. But it had made her stronger.

Slipping on the ice and crushing under their breath, the guard can tumbling at Evangeline, who immediately spun around. The guard spilled yet again, shivering from the cold that Evangeline was immune to.

She spun around right as the hairs fell onto their back. Evangeline pressed the sharp and silver blade of her sword to the base of the guard's neck.

The guard's arms shot up with lightning speed in surrender. Fear was written all over their face.

Satisfied, Evangeline stepped off of them and sheathed her sword.

She regulated her breathing, only taking in small breathes before processing them for a while and taking another one.

The guard lay, sprawled on the floor. Clapping and cheering came from all around Evangeline. She loved it. It made her feel powerful, like nothing in the world could hurt her because others were protecting her from harm. And from her mother.

"Well done, Evangeline Mirrors. Now we have Kathleen and Joshua Evans." Aisling boomed to the excited crowd.

The brother and sister stepped forward. A bright and cheerful music started as Kathleen and Joshua twirled and spun across the stage. Kathleen's hair shield across her face and Joshua lifted her up. On and on they went, people were tired.

Evangeline remembered what Kathleen told her earlier.

We're probably going to die, Evangeline. And even if we win, the other has to die for it to happen.

That was why her mother didn't want both of her children to enter. Sort of. If they both entered and got into the competition, then nobody would be left to rule the Northern Kingdom. Queen Lilian had no children, let alone any lovers.

Evangeline's mother's plan was for one of her children to become Emperor or Empress and reestablish the throne. Then, her other child could rule the Northern Kingdom. After all, Lady Mirrors had no blood of the Northern Dragon herself.

Strained smiles were given to the pair performing. They looked down. Like they already knew their fate.

"Caleb Lee."

The boy stepped into the middle of the stage.
"Hello." He said into the microphone. "Can you hear me?"

Murmurs of agreement went off in the audience.

"Well. I believe I would be a good Emperor because I am calm even under the worst circumstances. I have excellent manners and a fine education."

People jotted down notes.

"I have refined taste and wonderful posture. I am all that you would want in an Emperor. I am even strategic and strong."

He was. And the manner which he spoke was full of confidence and power. But something was missing. And Evangeline could tell that the others thought it too.

"This boy behaves as if he is the Emperor already." Shawn snorted as he went up. He was there before Aisling even called his name.

Startled, Aisling stuttered. "Um. Shawn Via."

Shawn smiled charmingly and launched into a long speech. "In short, I am everything that Sir Caleb Lee is plus one more thing." He paused for dramatic effect. "I have noble blood."

The crowd's reaction was obviously not what Shawn had been hoping for. He slinked back to his seat.

"Please come back to the stage." Aisling called. The five of us did, all nervous. The buckets above us dangled dangerous and Evangeline feared that the rope would snap.

"Lady Evangeline Mirrors. The audience found your performance to be wonderful and stunning. You demonstrated some qualities an Empress must have. Courage, determination, strength, resilience and the ability to win. Thank you."

Evangeline and Aisling bowed to each other as Aisling moved on.

"Madame Kathleen Evans and Mr. Joshua Evans. Your performance was quite.. unique. Our lovely audience enjoyed it but found something to be... well... missing. Thank you."

The three of them bowed to each other. Aisling moved onto Caleb.

"Sir Caleb Lee. Your speech was full of compassion and wonderful reasons why you are an excellent choice. You will make us consider hard. Thank you." They bowed to each other.

Evangeline saw Aisling's flattering smile vanish for a split second. "Sir Shawn Via. You also showed us some excellent reason for your ascension. You also showed us some qualities that an Emperor should and should not have. Thank you."

They bowed, but Shawn scowled.

Aisling walked back in front of them. "And so the eliminations from the Northern Kingdom during the first round are..."

Everybody closed their eyes.

"Madame Kathleen Evans and Mr. Joshua Evans."

The orange paint spilled over as the ropes were pulled. The buckets tumbled forward and paint splashed around Joshua and Kathleen.

Kathleen screeched and slipped on the wet and slippery floor.

Aisling sighed. "Let's move on, shall we?"

The crowd echoed their agreements, but Evangeline felt an empty pit inside of her.

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