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Dear my friend,
Yesterday I was in the ancient city of Bhaktapur.  You can get there by taxi from Kathmandu city.  The annual Bisket Dzhart festival was held there.

I decided that it was more interesting to walk around noisy competitions with a guide.  The first round was tug-of-war.  The guide said that the festival is based on a fairy tale and will last for several days.  The parades were magnificent, breathtaking spectacles.

I also really liked the temples, statues, streets.  By the way, very beautiful paintings were sold there, right on the street from skilled artisans.  I thought that in my library there must be a couple of things from there.  I bought a mountain painting for myself, a painted wooden mug for a friend, and a couple of other key rings.  Quite an interesting place, you should also visit this city

thanks for your attention
see you next year,

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