It started when I began to realize I was falling in love for the first time with someone. I couldn't believe it. I was stunned but scared to act on all my feelings for this person. He is my ex-boyfriend's best friend. amazing brown eyes, brown hair and moles on his body. I didn't know how this got started for me and with him. He was finally letting go of a girl who couldn't or wouldn't love him either. all she cares about is her Jackass boyfriend who treated him like a piece of crap, well no more. I am making my first move today in his bedroom alone after school, I hope this works. I am not going to wear the same clothes at school when I see him, I'm going to wear something sexy over my jacket to see him. I know he won't go to the meeting nor will I, because they will be there and he doesn’t want to go, nor will I. I kept my sexy outfit in my car. I will wear it when I leave here to see him. I got dressed this morning. I was feeling nervous to see him again but I had to and want to and need to. Scott never made me feel like this but he does and I want that and I know he does. Then she waited and then she left for school. That morning Stiles was awake and dressed, a blue shirt black jeans, combat boots, his green backpack and his black leather jacket. He was ready to go this morning and he wasn't ready to see them yet and he knew why.
3 days ago on a crazy rainy night he was outside the door when he overheard them. He didn't stay, he just ran to his car and drove away and he knew he was done with them. after what they said about him which he recorded too. A week later he changed everything about himself, his hair got darker and longer, he put muscles on himself and he's fighting back more he joined another group, but they work on the high bar instead. no one knows this but somebody does, and she hasn't said anything yet. And soon everyone will know about him.
He arrived at the school a few minutes later on his motorcycle which he fixed himself, he wanted a new ride now. He drove up to his spot and got off, everyone saw him do that, including her, but no one didn’t know it was him, but she knew. That’s when he took off his helmet, that when they saw this:
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Someone said: Holy s*** Stiles Stilinski, he's handsome and so damn sexy right now. someone said what the hell happened to him? He changed totally differently, totally better and totally hotter. and Allison thought damn he is going to be mine soon and I know it. He saw his ex friends and he walked by them and He whispered to them you are nothing but mongrels, that's what you are, and don't you forget that.
Then he walked right into school and went to his locker and opened it and pulled out his books. He closed the locker And went to his new class which was literature painting. He sat down right next to Allison. he said hey sweet thing, how are you doing? She just smiled at him and said I'm doing a lot better now and she said can I come home with you ? I need to ask you something? sure no problem not since I quit the lacrosse team which i am going to after this class is over. Never wanted to join in the first place. I did it for him. I totally understand that, I don't blame you. Few minutes later the class ended. He walked towards the room, walked in, saw the coach, he put his things down, and said I quit, please understand, I never wanted this plus I don't like it. plus I changed my class from yours to literature painting and I'm sorry coach. I understand, I heard that you join a gymnastic team at the Y over the summer. yes I did, I'm going back to my roots and I'm loving it plus I'm doing the high bar it's more amazing than ever Plus we have a competition soon, please come. I will totally do that, then the coach got up and hugged him and he said be careful around here. I know sir and I will. Then he left.
He saw Allison starting to walk in with her and it was lunch and they sat down by the tree. his Old life saw him and wondering what the hell's going on with him? but they still don't know yet. A few minutes later they were done, they were heading to history class and they both sat down. they feel relaxed knowing that they are not here in this room with them. felt easy now and a little better. 9 minutes later they were done and heading to the final class which involves them too, but they will ignore them the whole time. Nine and a half minutes later, they were done. They walked out, went to the lockers and put the books in the lockers. They closed them and they walked out and everything was fine, he got on the bike and then she got on with him and they drove away and that's how they got started with the day.
In the school, Scott and everyone got changed for practice, when they saw the coach coming out and no one else knew something was wrong. He asks where is Stiles right now? He decided to quit the team and he doesn't want to play anymore because he never asked for it. He joined because of you Scott and now he won't, please leave him alone right now. all right you losers, time for running along for 20 laps actually makes it 21. It stops when 16 or 14 you're on a bench for the whole season. Everyone started running including Scott and them and wondering what's going on with him now and they won't know until a few nights later. ended