This is my new life

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It was a bad day for me, well it will always be a bad day, you see I lived in a country called Chile, but I moved to U.S.A because my life back in there was shitty, I was basically bullied and the reason for it was for my religion. You see I don't believe in God or the Devil because they do only especific things, for example God has the good picture, the one that always do the good things, while the devil is the opposite, he is all the evil and bad things. I don't believe in those false gods, but I believe in a god called Jashin that he protects his followers and punish the other people who doesn't follow him. Thanks to that my "friends" believed I was insane an started insulting Jashin and also hitting me, my parents seeing this took me out of the school and decide to move to the United Estate so I could start a "new life", but I knew that would be imposible because I knew that the bulling would not stop even if I moved, other people would think I am insane for the religion that I follow. With a sigh I look in front of me to see my new school that would soon be boring for me.
I have short black hair that is always with spikes, brown eyes that my mom always say that they are the most beautyfull she had ever seen, but I knew that she says it because she likes to see me annoyed when she knew that I hated the color brown. I wore a black shirt and baggy black pants and in the pant pocket you could see a chain hanging in there, also I wore white sneakers as a final touch for my clothing. "Well...let's get this shit over with." I said with an annoyed expression.
When I entered the school I saw no one was in the halls so I checked my watch and see it was 8:50 "Great, my first day at school and I am already late." I said, The first thing my mom wanted was for me to not be late and now when she get notice that I got late she will kill me. I decided to explore some of the school so I get used to it, while I was walking I saw a door that said "Headmaster's office" and I decided to go in there and see what class I was supposed to be. I knocked the door and recieved an answer "come in!" A female voice said, when I got in I saw an old lady sitting in a desk next to a door, probably the office of the Headmaster.
"OH! You must be Javier right?" The old lady said "Yep that would be me, so I came to see if you have my schedule so I can see what class I should be in?" I asked the receptionist, the answer I recieved was a smile and a nod from her "Yes, the Headmaster should have it, you can go in." She said, with a nod I went to the door and knocked waiting for an answer, after several seconds I recieved an answer "You can come in Javier." The Headmaster said, with that as a confirmation I went in to see the headmaster. He is a bald male with a beared around his face and he used glasses. "Hello emm..." "Henry, Director Henry at your service." The now known Henry said "Hello Director Henry I was kind of lost in here since I don't know me schedule in this school and I was asking if you had my schedule?" I said with respect to the man but inside I was annoyed because he was acting friendly and I knew that he was only friendly with people with potential, The Headmasters are always like that with me, who said it would be different in here? He gave another smile and said " Yes, I have your schedule, wait a second and I will give it to you." and with that he went to get it, after some minutes he came back with a piece of paper with all my classes inside it "Here it is Javier, hope you get along with everyone." he said with another annoying smile, I turn around and muttured "Yeah right, they will think I am a freak" and with that I left.
When I left the Headmaster office I checked my schedule to see in what class I was supposed to be, what I saw made me groan in frustration, it was freaking Math! I basically suck in math and also I hate it with a passion! With a sigh a started walking to class thinking " if someone bothers me I will defend myself, it will not be the same like in Chile, I will not allowed it." When I found the classroom I took a big breath and opened the door, not only getting the attention of my future classmates but also of the teacher "Oh! So you must be the new student that the Headmaster said would come here, well you are late, but since you are new I will let it pass this time. So why don't you present yourself to the class." the teacher said to me, she had long straight brown hair with brown eyes. With a nod I went in front of the class and said in a laid back tone "Well my name is Javier Varela but most people calls me Javo, I am 16 and about to turn 17 in july 27, I am from Chile and I like to play soccer." With that I looked at the teacher waiting for her to choose me a seat. "Well Javier my name is Madeline, but you can call me Miss Madeline Ok?" With a nod she smiled and continued " Ok you can seat next to Gary" when I looked were was this so called Gary I saw a guy with a blond mohawk and blue eyes, he wore a red jacket with broken jeans and white sneakers, I gave a mental groan, with just looking at him you could see that he beat the shit out of the people for the fun of it and I will be seated next to him, great just great.
When I seated next to him I put my head on my left hand and started paying attention. "As I was saying, you must divide the number-" After that I didn't pay anymore attention and start looking at the window seeing the birds chirping and the blue sky, seeing this made me smile a little, maybe this wouldn't be so ba- "KILL..." Huh? I started to look around he room, thats strange I thought that I heard someone saying- "KILL,BLOOD..." There it is again! My breathing started to go fast as a started to look around the room searching for the voice, I close my eyes and started to control my breathing, but I couldn't, shit what the hell is wrong with m- "KILL,BLOOD,SACRIFICE!" The voice this time scream making me put my hands in my ears to at least try to stop them but the voice wouldn't stop, what the hell, what the hellwhatthehellwhatthe-! "Javier!" When I looked were the voice came from I saw the teacher looking at me worringly "Are you ok? You look a little pale." Madeline said with concern. I started to look around the room seeing that it was only me and the teacher, it was all a dream then? With a chuckle I looked at her and said "Don't worry Miss Madeline I am ok, I just had a nightmare." looking at my watch I saw that it was time for the religion class. "Well Miss I need to go or I will be late for the other classes, see ya later!" And with that I left running to the next class never hearing her next words "But you weren't sleeping..."
When I got in the class I saw that everyone was talking making me sigh in relief, by the looks of it I wasn't late, that was good, after looking around the room I found an empty seat one the final row so I decide to seat there. Seeing that the teacher wasn't here I decide to listen to some music, I put my headphones on and put one of my favorite songs "The Devil in I" by slipknot when the song started I started looking around the room to see that some people were looking at me, that Gary guy was with some friends looking at me and laughing, near the door I saw a group of girls talking and some of them were stealing glances to me and a guy with long hair done in a pony tail was looking at me in curiosity, I was about to ask him what did he want when the teacher entered the classroom.
"Good morning class." the Teacher said receiving a "Good morning" from everyone making him nod in satisfaction, "I have heard rumors that there is a new classmate In this class, is that true?" He said with curiosity and then I decided to make myself present "Yes Sr. that would be me." I said to him with respect since I didn't want to be on any bad side of any teacher. "So what is your name son?" He asked, which I responded with my name "Javier Varela" he only nod and asked "So Javier, do you believe in god?" He asked with a tone that I thought that he knew the answer, I was about to answer until fucking Gary was faster than me " Sr. Frederick he is a freak he can't have a religion!" He said with cockyness that made me pretty mad, so he thought I was a freak eh? Well I will teach him who is te freak. His comment made everyone laugh at me expet a red haired girl and the pony tail guy, "Gary, what did I told you of calling people like that?" The teacher now known as Frederick scowled at him, "But Sr! He in class of Math was muttering kill,blood and sacrifice all the hour!" Gary said making my blood run cold. it wasn't a dream! I really heard thath voice and I even started mutturing it! Frederick sighed and looked at Gary " Go to the Headmaster office for insulting a classmate, NOW." The teacher said with a strict voice. Gary got up of his seat and got out of the classroom but he was sure to send me a death glare before he leaved, great now I had a person that hates my guts.
"I am sorry Javier for him bothering you, but please answer my question, do you believe in god?" He asked again and this time I answer " No Sr, I don't believe in God" I respond making him rise an eyebrow " So you are a science believer?" He said making me shake my head "Nop, I believe in only real god, and his name is Jashin." I said to him making every classmate to look at me confused, but I saw the eyes of Frederick go wide for some seconds before they went to normal "I see, well the next class I would like you to explain us that religion so we can get to know you more" he said with a smile that I knew it was fake.
When the bell for lunch ranged I went to a tree alone to eat, I took my chain oyt of my pocket to see a symbol in it, it was a circle with an upside down triangle inside of it. I put it in front of my forehead and started praying "Oh great lord jashin, please bless me with your pain and make the others feel it so they can know your precense, I will spill the blood of the heathens and make them suffer for your na-" "What are you doing?" A voice said making me jump "Shit! Bitch don't scare me like that! I said mad to the person responsable, when I took a better look I could clearly see that it was a female, she had straight red hair that reached her waist, blue eyes and she wore a bottoned shirt a skirt with black stockings and a pair of black shoes. When she heard my answer she rubbed the back of her head and said " Sorry for scaring you like that, but I was curious of what were you doing?" She asked innocently at me, I looked at her seeing if she would laugh at me, but seeing she wouldn't laugh I told her the truth, " I was praying for my god" I said "Wow! It was that god you said in class? yashin was his name right?" She asked making me get a tic mark on my forehead "Its JASHIN! No with a Y with a J! I screamed at her making her laugh "You are funny, my name is Mary Preston" she said extending her hand I looked at it for some seconds and the grabbed it "Javier Varela" I said with a smile, seeing her smile made me thought "Maybe this won't be so bad" Oh how wrong I was.

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