Already having Trouble!

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"Sooo you will tell me more about you or what?" Mary said to me while we where walking to the next class that was Gym. I looked at her and said "Well we can talk more about me later since now we need to change uniform and continue classes, tell you what, when school finish I will give you my phone number and then we can talk more about us, what do you think?" I said to her, the answer that I recieved was a "gasp" and a hug "Really?! Thanks! I can't wait to learn more about you AND your religion!" She said excited and then she went to the changing room with some friends. With a sigh I went to the changing room to put my uniform.
10 minutes later
When I exited the changing room I went to seat in a bench alone o wait the class to start, after sometime I saw by the corner of my eye the same pony tailed guy from the religion class walking to me. I tensed my muscles in preparation of an insult, I was not in the mood for that "Hey, you are the new kid right?" He asked me, I looked at him for sometime making him a little uncomfortable by my stare and then I answered "Yes...I am..." After I said that we stayed in an awkward silence that didn't last long after our teacher started calling us. "Ok, everyone here? Good, in today's class we are gonna play soccer so start making your teams, the capitans will be Gary and Santos." Gary and the pony tailed guy now known as Santos looked at each other and started to make the teams when Santos choosed me I said to him that I am a goalkeeper in which he nod his head.
The game was even to say at least, we were 1-0 my team winning until my center back took the ball from Gary but he was such a sore loser that he dived to the floor and started screaming in "pain" which pissed me off. After Santos went to tell him to stop acting Gary started threating him, wow he really is a sore lo- "You don't like him do you?" A voice said in my head. Damn, it was happening again, "Why don't you spill his blood for my name?" The voice was calming almost motherly, I slowly started to get a sadistic grin on my face and slowly but surely started taking steady steps, with each step the voice got louder and rougher but I didn't care, I just wanted to tear that smug look from the face of Gary but when I was about to turn him around I got a huge headache and the last thing that I saw was the green grass.
When I woke up I saw a white for a moment and then I realize that it was the infermary light. With a groan I started to seat up and then I noticed the nurse talking to Santos. "For the last time Santos, he is in good hands, just go to class and-" before she could finish I decide to make myself known.
"Hey what happend?" I asked to them when the turn around they both gave me a smile "Well finally you woke up, Huh?" Santos said to me, the nurse went to check me up and when I was free to go I followed Santos. "So what had happend to me?" I asked him, he turned around to look at me and said " Well I was fighting Gary because he was cheating when suddenly I saw you about to turn around Gary, but then you fainted all of a sudden." I ony said "Oh" and continue walking with him, but inside my head I was thinking for a reason to faint "what could had happend?"
Lunch hall
Finally! Its lunch time! I am sooo hungry! I had brought my own food that was a sandwich. I was about to take my first bite when someone seated in front of me. "Hey Javier! What are you eating?" Mary said to me with her lunch in my table. "Well as you can see I was about to eat this beautiful sandwich but then you interupt the moment." I said with a deadpan voice, she just giggle and said "your are a funny guy, you know that right?" She said, my response was a snort, which she looked confused for a moment "Believe me when I tell you, I am the most boring guy in the world, hell I was  the worst making jokes in my country!" I said to her, we stayed in silence for a while, then she got a determine face and said, "Then I will convince you that you are funny!"
"Huh?" Was my only intelligent response, "Yes! You look so sad and dark! I will prove to you that you can be a funny man!" She said with fire in her eyes. I only looked at her with wide eyes before I close them and then gave a light chuckle to her which she heard, and made her smile. "STOP!" I turned around to see Gary pulling the hair of a student that looked a little nerdy, "For the last time! Give me your money or else...!" I started to look at everyone to see if they would do something but nobody moved, I clench my teeth and got up grabbing the attention of Mary "W-w-what are you doing? Dont tell me you are gonna stop him! You cant!" I didnt listen to her I just got up from my seat and said "Hey! stop it!" When I said that I started to hear the people around me say things like "what the hell is he doing?" or "he is dead meat" but I didnt paid any mind to that, "Huh? Oh! Its the freak! Tell me you want me to stop? Then come here and make me!" He said I just narrow my eyes and went to hit him, but he just grabbed my fist and hit me in my gut "UGH!" I went to the floor holding my stomach in pain, then Gary grabbed my hair and he made me stand up "Tsk, you are pathetic and weak, what happend to your shit god, huh? Yashon or something?" With that said he punched me in the face making me bleed from my nose. I could swear that I heard someone shouting my name, but as soon as I thought that, I blacked out again.
"Ugh" I started to groan in the floor, but I couldn't stop thinking what garry said, maybe what he says its true, I am weak and pathe- "You want to kill him right?" Damn that fucking voice again, but then his words register in my head, "What the hell do you mean that I want too kill him?!" I ask to the voice "I know what one of my followers would want." The voice said, I got a confused look in my face, but then my eyes went wide when I realize who was the voice. "L-l-lord Jashin!" I shouted in surprise, I heard a chuckle from him, I cant believe it, My God is talking to me,"Now Javier... I dont have so much time so I want you to follow your instincts." I got a confused look in my face "My instincts? Like survival ones?" I asked, I heard another chuckle "No, follow your instinct for blood, you need to get your bloodlust back, your need to see blood will make you strong" Jashin said making my eyes to widen again "B-b-but if I go back being like that...nobody will like me to be their friend." I said sad, I already had Mary and maybe Santos I didnt want to lose them "What do you prefer, being the weak guy who nobody respect or a person who is not weak and defends his lord?" Jashin said, then I started thinking maybe he was right, after all Lord Jashin is always right. With a nod I gave him a homicidal smile "As you wish Lord Jashin" I could feel his satifacion with me "Before I forget, I want some sacrifice for me, and it will be TONIGHT, if not you will be punished, but seeing you will let your bloodlust go free again I will give you a gift that you will see when you wake up." I gave another nod to him "So how will I wake up?" I asked to Jashin "Just close your eyes and when you open them again you will be out" I give a bow to him and said my final words to him before I go "I will not fail you Jashin-Sama."
Lunch hall
"-xt! huh?! Tell me who will be the next to want to play the hero!" I hear an annoying voice that needs to shut up, When I opened my Eyes I saw the ceiling of the lunch hall I slowly got up but I had my hair cover my eyes, to get the attention of everyone I giggle a little bit. "Oh? Looks that you still want to get a beating, well come here then!" Gary said with cockyness in his voice I only sart giggling that soon turn into full insane laughter that started to creep out some people. "H-h-hey! Stop laughing you prick! What's so funny!" Gary asked, when I stopped laughing I rise my head and looked at him with an insane grin that made him freeze. "Ohhh, its nothing, its just that you are so pathetic, I cant believe that I got knocked out by a soft punch like that!" I said with a madness in my eyes, I started to walk slowly towards him, with each stem that I took he took a step back, "what is wrong? Are you afraid? Well dont worry..." When I said that I run towards him and hit him with my knee in his stomach, he almost throw up  by the looks of it, I started kicking him when he was on the floor, this felt so good! To be strong, to not being a weakling! To not- "Javier stop it!" A voice snapped me from my thougths, it was Mary who was hugging me from behind and from the we feelin in my back I can deduce that she was crying "Please stop it! I know you are not like that!" She sobbed, my eyes soften and turned around to hug her, I could feel eeryone watching us, but I didnt care. "YOU BASTARD" I heard someone shout at my back and then the feeling of something sharp getting in by back, I slowly turned around with Mary and she a pocket knife being stabbed in my back, "JAVIER!" "Oh god!" And other shouts could be heard around the hall, but to my awe I didn't felt pain, I felt PLEASURE "Maybe this is the gift that Loed Jashin told me about." I thought, "Well time to scare him a little bit." I grabbed the knife from my back and took it out with a small moan, luckly no one heard me "No,no,no..." I grabbed the attention of everyone, when they saw my smile everyone took a step back, it was a insane smile. "If you want to hurt me, you must hit a vital spot, like this!" I stabbed my self in the right lung making everyone scream and even some to throw up, Gary looked pale and Mary was in shock, seeing their faces made laugh like a mad man, "HAHAHAHAHA! Lets start this party!" I shouted and went running to stab Gary with the knife, but before I could get him Santos and the coach of football stopped me. I started to move so I could escape their hold but the coach was strong, then he grabbed a especific part of my body and I fell asleep.
Different P.O.V
"What the hell happend here! Coach Taylor demanded to know everyone was still in shock about what happen recently, "Well..." Someone said and started explaining what happend the coach looked at Gary with furious eyes, "Gary! Go to see the headmaster NOW! He shouted, Gary tried to protest but with the look that Taylor was giving him he just nod and left, "Mary and Santons since you two apparently know more about him take him to the infarmary again to check his wounds!" Mary and Santos gave each other a nod a took Javier to the infarmary. When they left Taylor turn around a shouted to all the students present "Well what are you watching? Go back to class lunch break is over!"
Place unknown
"Pope its me Frederick"
"Oh! Frederick what a surprise! Tell me what can I help you with my son?"
"I got a new student..."
"Oh? And you call me because you got a-"
"He is a Jashinist..."
"I couldnt believe it myself but its true..."
"Has he contact him yet?"
"I thinks so, today he went in a rampage..."
"Pope what should I do?"
"I will send my most trusted man to deal with him"
"You mean...?"
"Yes and good luck with the kid, you will need it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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