In the beginning, there were two.

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        Six year old Life sat on the sidewalk listening to the trees and talking to the flowers. A wasp had started to fly around her head, she swatted at the creature and backed away. It got very close and Life swore she heard something, but she didn't quite catch it. Eleven years later she tried to hear it over and over again, but each time it was lost. One day walking home from school, she heard it. "Run."
     She didn't need to ask what it meant. If it had been repeated for eleven years it was important. So she did. She ran to the ends of the earth to follow the words. The day she heard it stuck in her mind and she needed no other reason. All Life needed to know was how to run away from anywhere, so that's exactly what she did. No one could now stop her, she was a train, a train that wasn't stopping at any station. She had one inspiration, running.
        One day she took a break. Chest heaving and lungs expanding, she slumped against a wall. She looked over into the alley way and saw an attractive guy about her age. He had beautiful blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She felt like she had melted onto the sidewalk. He was doing something with an old man. The man smiled and looked up, he was obviously blind. The boy touched him and the man disintegrated into mist.
       Life, now shocked looked at the boy, but he was gone. She grabbed her bag and got up hitting something hard that pushed her back down. She stared up at he boy she just saw in the alley.
       "H-hi." She could feel the blush take over her cheeks.
        "Don't tell anyone what you saw. I'm not a murderer." he said at first.
     "Then what are you?" Life asked frightened of the stunning blue eyes.
      "That was my job, I'm death, or as other people call me Theo." She was fine now. He was death. The boy Mother Nature had warned her about. She was now even more attracted to him.
        "I'm Life, I don't really have a nickname." He smiled then he left once again telling her not to tell then blew her a kiss.
     "I've got a nickname for you," Theo said cocking his head to the right to get a better look at her. "How about beautiful?" He smiled and walked off as Life sat there blushing like a maniac.
"Well that just happened." Life muttered. He started to walk away but she couldn't let him.
"Hey!" Life exclaimed without thinking. Theo turned around waiting for her to say something. "Come with me. This way" She didn't look to see if he followed her, she knew he would.
"Can we slow down?" He asked gasping for breath.
"No way! This is a perfect way of getting around!" He grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. She could his warm breath on her neck. "Wha-what do you w-want..." Life asked, her cheeks feeling flushed.
"I'm hungry." He growled in her ear.
"Let's get some-something to eat th-then." Her cheeks felt hotter than ever.
"Your blushing, something sexy here?" He smiled and winked at Life. Her cheeks were raising temperature each minute. Theo started to peal his shirt off of his body.
"Wha-Wha-... o-oh...." His body was built with muscle. He had strong biceps along with his six pack of abs.
"See something you like?" He came closer to her, so close she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. He grabbed her chin with one hand. "I might let you be mine for the right price."
"Alright lover boy, don't get so hungry." Life said. Theo smiled at her and threw his shirt over his shoulder. He put his hand on his hip and sang.
"I'm bringing sexy back..." He sang.
"No no you're not. I'm going in and once you feel like interesting me with your clothes on come talk to me." He threw his shirt on and held the door open for me.
"Nice butt." He said. I turned around and slapped him. "Owwww." He groaned, "Tough love, mama."
"First of all, do not ever compliment my butt. I know I got a nice butt and I don't need you to tell me. Second of all, I ain't nobody's 'mama', unless this date is actually me babysitting you." She smirked.
     "So why are you in this town?" He asked.
     "Well.... When I was six, I heard something and eleven years later I finally heard it and ran away..."
      "So, you just ran? Not questioning if you were insane or anything?" He asked.
       "No questions at all. If it had been repeated for eleven years, it has to be important."
      "Howdy, ya'll, may I take your order?" I looked at Theo and he looked at me.
      "Oh." She said, "I'll have the cheeseburger only cheese and mustard on it please, with a coke to drink." As she wrote down my order I caught Theo staring at me. But it wasn't at me, was more of my chest. While the waitress was distracted, Life kicked him under the table.
       "Ow!" He exclaimed with pain. Everyone in the restaurant looked at us. "Wow.... Babe, I love that top on you!" He said recovering from his amateur mistake. She silently twirled her knife in hand, when a little child walked over to her.
       "Awww! Look at you. Aren't you just the sweetest!" Life picked him up and he giggled and smiled until he looked at Theo. He started to gain tears in his eyes and he walked back to his parents. I heard him crying and looked over to see the grandmother hovering over me. "May I help you?" Life asked slightly annoyed.
       "Who are you?" She asked.
      "Life. Life Nature. Is that a problem?" Attitude along with annoyance in my voice.
      "Was that attitude young lady?" She asked getting angrier by each word she spoke.
       "Maybe it was, grandma, get lost." Life muttered.
       "Excuse me?!" She asked, appalled by her comment.
         "You heard me, get lost." She turned back and felt her hand skim across my face. Complete silence filled the room.
         "Did you just.... Slap me?" Life growled.
       "Maybe I did." she retorted. Life immediately jumped to her feet and grabbed the woman's neck.
       "Look, you can either apologize or I can crush your neck."
       "Gamma?" Life heard behind her. She turned around to see the little boy standing behind her. "Why did you hurt the nice lady?" He asked.
      "She's not a nice lady, Timothy." She said.
     "Then why did she help mommy in the hospital?" His mother was the one she kept alive. Life saved his mom from cancer. Now her hands were locked around his grandmother's neck. Life released the woman and the child ran into her arms. "I love you, lady." he said.
     "I love you-" she felt an arm on her shoulder, it was a large African American policeman.
       "Please come outside miss." She followed the policeman outside. "Can you tell me what happened tonight?"
        "Yes, sir. The woman's grandchild came up to me and I picked him up and he was giggling. Then he looked at my... boyfriend... And started crying for some reason. So I put him down and his grandmother came over to me asking who I was and I told her. I told her to leave me and my... boyfriend... Alone and she wouldn't so I told her to beat it and she slapped me, so I lunged at her throat."
     "Thank you, you are dismissed." He said.
     "But, it's okay. Don't do anything to her, I don't want to press charges and please don't put her in jail." The officer nodded and went to speak with the other police officers that had showed up to the restaurant.

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