Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"In three days is September 1, meaning it will be a new school year." Snape said to me.

"Yes, yes I know." I said back and set a clean potion bottle down.

"Be careful with those." He said and then pulled out his wand and made it close every cupboard and drawer.

"Cool." I mumbled. I put my hair back in a ponytail and a strand of hair fell out. I shrugged, "So we are gonna go to Diagon Alley tomorrow, right?" I asked.

He nodded yes then gestured toward the door to indicate it was time to leave.

I grabbed my satchel and walked into the dark dungeon hallway. Snape walked into the hallway and shut the Potion's Classroom door closed and then locked it.

~Back at Home~

I went straight to my bedroom and opened the window. Though, the sun was setting. I layed on my bed and grabbed a book and started reading. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said. Then a little House-Elf opened the door.

"Excuse me, Miss Roselin, dinner is ready." The little elf said.

"Thanks." I said. I got up and walked down to the third floor. I lived in a dark mansion, with lots and lots of stairs. I got to the large dining room and sat down at the large dark brown table. Then the house elf snapped and food appeared on our plates, baked potato soup, with sour dough bread on the side.

"Any butterbeer?" I asked.

An older house elf came by and filled my glass with butterbeer.

"Will my father be joining me?" I asked the small elf next to me.

"Not tonight." He responded in a gruff voice. Is he ever going to have dinner with me like he used too? I wondered.

~After Dinner~

I finished up my plate then left up to my room. I took a quick, warm, shower. Then got dressed into some pajamas. My father soon peeked into my room.

"Good night." He said.

"Night. Can't wait for Diagon Alley tomorrow!" I said excited.

"Yeah. Get up early tomorrow." He said then turned the lights off and closed the door.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up at the crack of dawn, and then got dressed. I quickly ran downstairs and sat in front of the crackling fire place. My father came in already for the day.

"Are you ready to go? Our first stop will be Gringotts." He said. I nodded yes.

~At the Leaky Cauldron~

When we got to the Leaky Cauldron peope gasped when I walked in after my father. I waved. Then we were stopped.

"Who's the guest?" The bartender asked.

"My daughter." Snape said quietly, "Now we need to get to Diagon Alley, so we will be on our way."

The bartender looked shocked. Had my father never metioned me? Am I a suprise? But it all kind of makes sense...I had a lot of questions. But we kept walking silently until we got to a brick wall.

My father tapped on the wall with his wand and it slowly revealed an amazing Alley. Diagon Alley.

~Diagon Alley~

We headed straight for Gringotts-a wizarding bank. When we got there there were goblins, who didn't look very nice. I cringed when it smiled at me and revealed it's pointy teeth. We walked up to an open desk where a goblin slowly looked up from his papers at us.

"Hello, can I open vault three hundred seventy-four." Snape asked.

"Do you have the key?" The Grumpy Goblin asked. Snape dug a golden key out if his cape pocket and the Grumpy Goblin took it, and held it with his long fingers.

"This way." The Grumpy Goblin mumbled jumping out if his chair and grabbed a lantern. We followd the tiny goblin which wore a fancy suit.

"Watch your step." Grumpy Goblin said as we got onto a cart.

Wind blew in my face as we went down a very curvey track that made me sick. We finally stopped. The Grumpy Goblin opened the vault with the key to show all the galleons, sickles, and knuts that were shining brightly. I took a couple bags. Then we had to take a ride back up to the surface.

We walked back into Diagon Alley.

"Let's go to get your robes fitted." Snape said to me. I nodded and okay. We made it to the place and a plump woman came in.

"Hello Mr. Snape. Who do we have here?" She asked.

"My daughter. Now hurry and get her robes fitted." He said back.

"Oh-Okay, please dear stand on the stool for me." She said to me. I quickly got on the stool. I was facing towards a window where I saw two boys looking in. One was tall with with dark brown hair and blue eyes and the other was around my height with light brown almost blond hair and grey eyes. I wondered if they would be in my classes.

"Alright. Your done." Said the plump woman. She handed me three robes, which had the hogwarts symbol, it was tiny and on the left side of the buttons.

"Thank you." I said and then walked out to find the two boys again who smiled and waved at me. I stopped to wave.

"Keep walking." Snape said close behind me. So I kept walking. We went to the book shop and bought all the books I needed for the year.

"Lets go to the owl emporium." My father said from behind me which made me jump.

"Ok!" I said. We walked over to the place. It was so dark inside. I carried a cage and a black owl with yellow eyes landed in it. The owl looked so cool! She needed a name. Before we left the owner of the shop asked what is the owl's name.

"Luna." I decided right there. We walked out and went to get my wand at Ollivander's.

"Ah-this must be Miss Roseline Snape." An old man said, "Pleasure to meet you, I am Ollivander." he said and then shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you sir." I said with a smile.

"Seems like only yesterday your father was picking his own wand out." Ollivander said as he was grabbing boxes out of a tall shelf.

"Try this one." Ollivander said handing me a box, "It is nine and a half inches, dark ebony, with a feather of a pheonix."

I grabbed the box and carefully opened it. I grabbed the wand out and immediately felt warmth on my finger tips.

"Wow, first time is the charm. Remarkable." He said to me, "It truly is the wand that chooses the wizard."

"Yes. We know. Come on Rose lets go." Snape said and gestured to go out. I gave Ollivander the money we owed and then left.

~Back at Home~

When we got back at home I tried on the full uniform and looked in my full body mirror. Cute uniform! Beubatons was more stylish though.... I thought. Then I changed back into my casual clothes. And went to my bed where I laid thinking about Hogwarts.

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