Red mist

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British Columbia, Canada;

The rockies mountain range, the largest mountain range in North America. Often used by Canadians to pass through the provinces. Up until the day of August 23 2016. The day red mist started descending the tips of one of the mountain peaks and onto the roads and into the town of Golden.

The mist swallowed the town and the valley around it, blinding the town. "What's going on?" "What's this mist?" "Anyone else feeling nauseous?" Adding onto the last statement, everyone quickly started randomly vomiting, getting fevers, and even a few started falling into comas. They've all fallen deadly ill with radiation poisoning.

A few days later

A monarch osprey descends  onto a nearby cliff edge above the mists, or what used to be mist, as it had become a thick red fog. Out the back of the osprey came titan specialist Ishiro Serizawa, his partner in crime Vivien Graham. aside from their usual suits, they were wearing radioactive suits. 

Silently, they begin descending down the mountain, slowly approaching the red fog. After a big, they approach a small drop-off with seemingly no way up and little specks of the fog ascending upwards. "After you Doctor Serizawa"

They both jump down into the fog. After a bit of a rough landing, they get up and bring out a pair of flashlights and Geiger counters. Immediately the counter spikes up to 135 CPM. "We are only on the outskirts of the fog, and its already spiking! What is this stuff?" Graham asks, shocked that the reading was so high. Serizawa was also shocked, but continued foward.

As they continued to march on, the count continued to rise. However, after a few hours they decided to take break. By now they were inside an orthodontist's office. The fog wasn't as thick in here but they weren't going to take any chances, considering the rad count hadn't gone down. As they sat down at a chair writing notes, Serizawa looked up and finally noticed the amount of people on the floor, either dying or already dead. 'What kind of creature could cause such damage?'

"What's wrong Serizawa? Got a toothache?" Vivien joked, frowning when she followed his gaze to the corpses. "There's nothing we could have done" She comforted, putting her hand on his shoulder. "We have to contain it if it can do this" he said with determination as he got up. Vivien nodded eagerly as she got up herself.

"Serizawa, Graham? Do you hear me?" Dr Ilene Chen's voice comes through their radio accidentally startling the duo. "Yeah, we hear you... Heard about the red fog?" Serizawa answers and asks, continuing the trek though the town. After a moment Chen answers with a hint of fascination in her voice "Not fog, but something similar. Is the fog a deep crimson red?" With a quick 'yes', Chen began the 'lore dump' as a co-worker would say. 

"While it shouldn't be emitting any vapor unless its semi-dormant, Barufaruku would transform into a Crimson comet as it tore through the sky, leaving behind a trail of crimson fire" Chen explained, while in the background a voice in the background shouts "Its a fucking jet dragon!"

"Any information we should be concerned or mindful about?" Vivien asks as she's trying to ignore the many corpses around her. "Like Rick said, if you heard him, It's described form of flying is remarkably similar to a jet's in the form that it compresses and combusts a unique gas it makes to create thrust. It could also change its wing's shape and form, and shoot short bursts of 'Dragon's blight', which I'm assuming is what the fog is, given enough exposure at the right temperature could be very explosive"

"It's been observed hunting in a similar sense to a bird of prey, diving down under the water to pick up cetaceans and small titan to either eat while flying or fly to a supposed nesting site. There is a notable lack of information of it attacking large titan's like Gojira or Monster 0, but from the few stories we have it looks like it would reshape its wings and/or divebomb them like a falcon would. As far as the ancient tomes go, it favored a region in Japan once known as Kamura, I believe the region has been renamed, however. "

knowing the information they needed, Serizawa radioed for an osprey to pick them up, and for Chen to plan a large monarch station around Golden and the mountains around it.

As the osprey landed, with various cargo choppers behind it, Serizawa had an odd sense of dread at the thought of having a creature like Barufaruku ever leave containment. 

(This is just an Idea for a story, I may or may not develop it further)

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