Flames of the Past

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Vihane sat on a pouch of a dim house. It was pouring with the skies filled with gray clouds. She sighed as her life replayed in her mind. From good to bad, from happiness to sadness. Everything was filling her mind. Wind slam rain droplets into Vihane's face giving her the tears she wanted to cry out.

As the storm picked up, Vihane sighed once more before heading inside. She walked through the oversized door before closing it. She snapped her fingers as the room brightened up. Vihane slowly walked over to a chair and sat down. She looked over at the window and watched the rain brush against the window.

"Why am I still living?" Vihane said as her attention shifted to a picture of her husband.

She looked down at her chest, remembering the only part of her husband she had inside of her, his black hole.

"I hate how I have to die peacefully in order to not trigger the end of the universe, pathetic."

Vihane noticed an umbrella lying against the wall. She sighed before forcing the umbrella to gently float towards her. Before the umbrella got close, Vihane transformed her small cuttle body to a taller version of herself. She walked over to the door and brute forced the door open. The wind immediately pushed against Vihane and into the shaken room.
After closing the door, Vihane walked into the brutal storm before unfolding the umbrella. The wind snatched the umbrella from Vihane and let it soar into the sky. Vihane watched the umbrella fly away, wishing she was the umbrella. She closed her eyes with her head lifted up. The rain slammed against her face. Her mind starts imagining the old times.

It was the day of her wedding. Despite the fact that the wedding was nothing more than family members and a priest, Vihane was wearing a black dress. She looked over at her father, nervously.

"Having second thoughts of marrying my dad?" Kirby asked as he prepared to walk Vihane down the red carpet.
"No. That's not what's bothering me. It's Zeta that's bothering me." Vihane replied as she looked down. 

Kirby chuckled for a moment. "You already know that Tailz had two wives during one moment. But I understand why you would be nervous about Zeta. After all she was crazy for him, and still is."

"I know but why is she okay sharing him with me? I hurt her, you, my family."

"Because just like her, you were lost, afraid. You both were lifted up by Tailz and it would be natural for someone to fall in love with those issues." 

Vihane fumbled her fingers as she still wasn't convinced.

"In other words, Zeta sees a part of herself in you. She wouldn't share Tailz with anyone if she didn't see herself in them."

Vihane looked up to Kirby to see his warm smile. "You really think that's true?"

"Of course I do! I can read minds! Ahahaha!" Kirby said as he slapped Vihane's back.

Vihane smiles softly as felt relieved.
Vihane opened her eyes, wanting to smile from the warm memory she had, yet her cheeks didn't allow her to smile. Her heart felt warm, despite her body being soaked. She then raised her hand and without speaking, the storm started disappearing into a sunny open sky. Vihane stood in position as she let the sun warm her body.

A few minutes later, birds started chirping as the wind calmly blew. Vihane looked around at the nature around her and exhaled. Her eyes stop moving, fixed on her house. She slowly walked up to the door and placed a hand on the doorknob. She stared at the door before opening it.

She walked in with the door closing itself, with the fireplace only giving light to the dark room. She sat in a chair facing the fire and stared deeply. The fire started to take the shape of familiar figures, Tailz, Zeta, Kirby and De. Each of them stared at Vihane, leaving a space for her to be. In the first for some hundreds of years, tears started to stroll down her furry, smooth cheeks. Vihane let her tears fall onto her lap. She noticed the fiery figures were reaching out to her until the flames moved differently. One by one, the figures die out. First Tailz, then Zeta, next De, leaving Kirby alone. Vihane reached out for Kirby's flame before he disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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