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「ㅤleave me alone.ㅤ」

ㅤㅤ• →"Get in." The golden strands of Free's hair swayed to the left, having tilted his head to meet the eyes of his passenger, Ichika. She stood on the sidewalk, undeniably drenched from the rain that had just passed. Her back was slightly curved forward as small droplets of water from her hair continued to taint her clothes and the schoolbag she clutched in her arms. Free was in a rather favorable condition, compared to her. He sat there comfortably on the driver's seat, the window of his car door rolled all the way down so he could relax his arm on its window sill—a rather dangerous doing as his elbow was fully exposed to possible injuries while driving.

ㅤㅤUpon catching sight of this act of inattention displayed by her older brother, Ichika couldn't help but grit her teeth and clench her fists, her nails stabbing the soft material of her schoolbag to restrain herself from stabbing Free instead. Even after 16 (almost 17) years of coexisting with Free, Ichika still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that her family and everyone in the company genuinely saw him as a great heir.

ㅤㅤFree couldn't even muster up enough effort to drive with etiquette—what made them think that he could showcase an ounce of responsibility as the inheritor of a nationwide company as big as their family's?

ㅤㅤEven his appearance couldn't make up for the negligence he had towards his presence. He sat there on his car seat with so little care that he couldn't even bother to fully button up his loose, white, long sleeved polo. A half-tied necktie adorned its wrinkly collar, and the sleeves of this said top were rolled up just until it reached the tip of his elbows.

ㅤㅤ...So much for looking presentable, Free.

ㅤㅤAs much as Ichika hated it, she had no choice but to swallow up her pride and join Free. Reluctantly, she walked over to the backseat, emphasizing each step she took with a faint stomp. Her hand grazed upon the handle of the car door, but before she could pull it to open, Free had already pressed one of the buttons on the car controls that would open it for her.

ㅤㅤOften, she forgot that this silver, state of the art car was in her brother's possession—given to him by their dad on his 21st birthday.

ㅤㅤIchika merely rolled her eyes when Free showed off the wonders of this three month old car. She sat herself on the soft, black leather cushions, feeling a sense of resentment. However, the backseat was, in all fairness, capacious. As much as she despised giving her brother credit, she couldn't resist from making use of the space, thus throwing her school bags off to the other side with its zippers and keychains ringing upon hitting each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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