(PART 19) Is yn pregnant?

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Yn was talking with kriti while their husband's were on their mission

Yn's look

Kriti's look

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Kriti's look

Suddenly a maid came their

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Suddenly a maid came their

Maid:(While bowing) M-mam mrs jeon is calling u

Yn:okay , u can go now(coldly)

Kriti:di u go i'm waiting here

Yn:okay (smiled and left)

In Mrs jeon's room
Yn enterd and saw mrs jeon reading a book

Yn:mom u called??

Mrs jeon:ahhh yes come sit here (smile)

Yn went towards her and sat on the bed

Mrs jeon:soo u know that diwali is coming sooo let's go to india


Mrs jeon:yepp I already asked Jungkook about this and we're leaving tommorow

Yn:yeaaaa thanks mommm you're the bestttt

Mrs jeon:ik ik now goo and tell the maids to pack the bags

Yn:Okiee mumma (hugged her)

Mrs jeon chuckled and continued reading her book

In The living Room
Yn came running towards kriti

Kriti:diiii what happened why are u soo excited

Yn:Guess what we're going to india tommorow

Kriti became excited and started jumping like a kid

Kriti: yayyyy i'm going to tell tae about this

Yn:no need he already knows about it

Kriti: hein how??

Yn:mom called mrs kim and told her everything , now u come and help me

(They both went towards Yn's and Jk's shared bedroom)

At Jk's company
Jk was working in his cabin but suddenly there was a knock on the door


JK:come in(coldly)

Stacy came in and said

Stacy:here sir the file u asked for (flirty smile )

Stacy's look

Stacy's look

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Stacy:anything else sir

Jk:no u can go now (coldly)

Stacy left while swinging her hips in the air ,jk looked at her leaving and ....

Jk:ughhh so annoying

After some time jk decided to leave ,he called stacy and said he's leaving and left

In Jk's luxuary mansion

Jk came in and saw his mom and wife talking

Jk:hello ladies

U both looked at him and smiled

Mrs jeon:hi kookie

Yn:hyyy (u went towards him and removed his coat) how was ur day ??

Jk:tiring as usual

Yn:(chucklel)u go and take a bath and then come downstairs

Jk:as u say my queen

U laughed and jungkook went towards the bedroom

After taking a shower he came downstairs

Mr jeon:hi jk come !...

Jk:yes dad(he came and sat with u)

Daewoo:noona did u cooked this food today ???

Yn:yep daewoo

Daewoo:I knew it , it's sooo tasty

Yn:thanks dae (Daewoo's nickname)

Mrs jeon:ynieee why did u cooked , there are maids for it

Yn:it's ok mom I like to cook for my family

Mrs jeon:( smiled and caressed your hairs)

U all were eating but u felt like vomiting so u went towards the bathroom and

Daewoo:huh what happened to noona ??

Jk hurriedly went after u

In your room

Jk:Yn Baby are u okkk in there?

Yn didn't respond and came out of there with a pregnancy test ,Her eyes filled with tears

Jk:yn ??

Yn:k-kookie w-were going to be parents

The moment jungkook heard it , he lifted u up in the air and started spinning u

Yn:kokiieeee put me down im feeling dizzy

Jk put u down and said

Jk:im sorry I was just so happy

Yn:(smiled)let's tell this to our parents ??


U both went downstairs and told the good news and everyone was happy for u

Mrs jeon:i'm sooo happy for u both

Jk:thanks mom

U all celebrated and went towards your respective bedrooms to sleep .....

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