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"Avery, why don't you tell your aunt and uncle?"

I scowled as I looked away from them, my nails digging into my arms.

"What would that do? If my parents don't believe me, why would they be any different"

I snarled, and my uncle growled but stopped when the therapist raised his hand.

"They aren't them, that's the point, and you already know them to be more open to new things, and we all know that with my gift, no one can lie in here"


I sighed, straightening up in my seat I kept my eyes on my black nails.

I told them, everything, and by the end of the session, I was exhausted.
Sadly I couldn't hide away for the weekend, no, school was in the morning.

I climbed up the stairs groggily, I hadn't slept great but when do I ever sleep well?

"Goodmorn'n Avery"

"Buenos Dias Bunbun!"

I grumbled as I took my seat, Soon a large mug was put in my hands and I gave a tired smile up at my aunt.

"Thanks Poppy... Morgue I told you to stop calling me that, Morning Fay"

I sipped the bitter and slightly nutty liquid, my uncle had to leave early for a work emergency so it's just us.

"Okay, so Morgan will take you both to school, I packed your lunch, Avery, sorry hun, your account should be up by Wednesday, so just today and tomorrow I will be sending food, maybe sit with Fay at lunch? They tend to sit with their friends, they are all nice kids"

"Maybe... Thanks Auntie"

"Mister Coy is a jerk, so be prepared for him to comment on your makeup"

Morgana states as she shovels her oatmeal in her mouth, Fay hums as they munch on a bagel they are dipping in their strawberry yogurt.

"And everything you are wearing"

"Oh joy, I will give Terra a heads up that he may get an Email later from the school"

I sighed, and then I started eating my hot ham and egg wrap, Poppy smiled as she gave me a lunch box decorated with skull stickers and bat stickers.

We finished up and headed out, Poppy had her badge and her lunch box in hand.

"Love you guys! Morgan, remember you have a dentist appointment after your first class, Fay, you better bring home your homework"

"Yes, Mom!"

They shouted as we climbed into the jeep, I sat in front and plugged my phone into the speakers.

As we pulled up I removed my phone and slipped it into my bag, Morgana kissed my temple and I climbed out with Fay.
They left me at the office to collect my map and locker combo, then found it and couldn't open it.

"Tricky lock, someone last year punched it so you gotta"

An elbow hits my locker and it pops open, I shove my lunch and what I don't need into it before shutting it.
I glare up at the giant guy before grumbling and walking away, and when I enter my first class, and am face to face with a large, sweaty bald man.

"And who are you?"

"uh a new student"

"Alright smart ass, name?"

"Avery Galaxy"

I handed him the note from the office with a sigh, as he signed it he grumbled.

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