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You sighed softly as you slowly raked your hands through the soft grass beneath you. You closed your eyes and listened to the soothing melody of birds chirping. You reopened your eyes and watched as the sun slowly peaked over the hills, the colors pink, yellow, and orange blending together in the sky. Shuffling could be heard from behind you and you had a feeling of who it was, not turning to him as he sat next to you.

"Morning, König." You spoke, feeling his hand lay on your own.

"Morning, meine liebe." He said quietly.

You continued looking at the sunrise as a smile spread across your face.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" You asked, not looking away.

"Yes," he agreed. "Very pretty."

You then lean your head against his shoulder and he lays his head on top of yours.

"Y'know, I loved watching the sun rise and set while growing up." You say.

König hums in response letting you know that he's listening, his thumb now gently rubbing over your knuckles.

"I would always wake up early to watch the sun rise." You smiled wider and continued, "and when the time came, I watched the sun set as well."

Just as you finished speaking, little monarch butterflies started to come out and you sat up straight, which caught him by surprise. You held out a finger and one of them landed on your finger, another landing unexpectedly on your nose. You giggled lightly at the ticklish feeling on your face and glanced over to see König staring at you. He quickly looks away only to look back upon feeling you grab his hand. You readjusted his hand to where his pointer finger was sticking out.

"Just wait," you said as a butterfly fluttered over to you both.

You could tell that he was nervous by the way he looked at you. You reassured him that it's okay and that you're here for him. Then, the butterfly placed itself on König's finger, making him widen his eyes in surprise.

"See, it likes you." You said, smiling widely.

You retracted your hands and watched as he carefully moved his hand closer to himself, getting a better look at the small insect. Another butterfly landed in his sniper helmet and you thought it was cute. You subtly took out your phone and took a picture of the scene before you, wanting to use it as your wallpaper later. You set your phone down next to you just as he looked over at you with a happy look in his eyes.

The sun was over the horizon at this point and the time was probably around 7 or 8. The butterflies that were on König now fluttered about around the grassy fields. You stood up with your phone and he mimicked your actions.

"We should get to training," you spoke somewhat sadly. "Ghost will have my ass if I'm not there in a bit."

"Hm," he hummed, nodding. "I'll see you later?"

You smiled, "yeah, I'll see you later."

You both waved before you went to the training field while he went back to the base. You had to run to get there since it was further than where you were and you didn't want to be late.


"Again." You heard Ghost command.

"Can't we take a break?" You asked, breathing heavily. "We've been at it for hours."

"Enemies don't take breaks. Again."

You huffed before standing up and getting into a fighting stance again.

'That doesn't answer my question.' You thought angrily.

He swung at you and you dodged before landing a hit on his right shoulder. He unexpectedly retracted his arm which caused his elbow to come in contact with your left arm. You hissed in pain at the sudden hit but didn't let it bother you.

'That's gonna leave a bruise.' You thought.

You were so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn't noticed Ghost sweeping your legs, causing you to fall on your back roughly. You groaned softly and propped yourself on your elbows, looking up at him.

"You're getting better, but it's not enough." He said, looking away. "Meet me here again at six am sharp."

You sat there and watched as he walked away to retrieve his items. You glanced away at the floor before you huffed and scowled.

'Bastard.' You thought, before standing up.

You stretched your arms and back to relieve the pain from today's training session, eager to get back to your room. You walked over and grabbed your items before leaving the room to return to your own. You rubbed your eyes as you opened the door and walked into your room. You tossed your stuff somewhere else in the room and you crashed onto your bed, sighing heavily. Five minutes later, there was a knock on your door.

"Give me a minute." You called to the person behind the door.

You stood up and quickly changed into something more comfortable, an oversized t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. You walked over to your door and opened it to reveal König also in casual clothing but still had his sniper hood on.

"Hey." You simply said, not looking up and rubbing your eyes.

"Hey, (Y/n)," he said, then became worried. "Are you alright?"

You looked away then nodded your head, not wanting him to be too concerned for you.

"I'm fine, just exhausted." You replied.

He hummed before asking, "cuddles?"

You looked back up at him and smiled softly.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." You answer.

You let him in your room and close the door before feeling his arms wrap around you. He then picks you up and lays down on your bed with you laying on top of him. You let out a sigh of content as he started to run his hand through your hair, your eyes fluttering close.

"So perfekt...." He mumbles.

You smiled wider and blushed after he said this.

"I know what that means, y'know." You spoke, not looking at him.

"I know." He said, slightly chuckling.

You lightly laughed at his response then opened your eyes and glanced at your clock. You saw that it was getting late and you didn't want to miss the sunset. You abruptly sat up and got off him then grabbed a light jacket, confusing him.

"The sun is setting soon," you say, putting on your jacket. "I don't want to miss it."

You could tell he smiled by the way his eyes looked, they were slightly crinkled. You grabbed ahold of his wrist and somewhat dragged him out of your room, the fabric of his shirt sleeve soft against your fingertips. You two made it outside of the barracks just in time to see the sun starting to set.

"Looks like it just started." You said and walked to the grassy area you were at earlier.

König followed you and sat behind you, pulling you onto his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist and rested his chin atop your head. Your hands automatically intertwined with his hands and sighed softly.

The sun slowly set over the horizon and the sky was a beautiful blend of pink, purple, and blue, some stars appearing to greet you both.

"Woah...." You heard König gasp behind you. "Ziemlich(pretty)....."

You laughed lightly at his reaction and leaned back into him, a wide smile on your face as you both enjoyed the sunset.

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