Chapter 1: Revelation

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Cale heard a groan. No, it was him who groaned. It's been a while since he regained consciousness but remained still so that he's be able to know his kidnappers.

He already doubted that there is actually one. Who would kidnap a totally normal kid with a decent amount of money and never had an enemy (Or so he thought so) in a clear bright day with someone with him? No one, right?

However, he still decided to stay for the possibility for it to be a high-grade witch or wizard wanting sacrifices for their liege type of scenario that he'd seen from the muggles' book. However, no sound nor footsteps can be heard even after now. So he then took the initial to open his eyes and adjusted to the light of the area.

"Where am I?"

He looks around his surroundings. He can see everything, at the same time, He sees nothing. It was all white. No other visible matter nor color can be seen. It made him somewhat uncomfortable and unusually calm.

"What is this place?"

He then looked down below him. It is also white. It almost feels like he's in the thing what the muggles says 'heaven'. But he sees no god, nor do he believe such being actually exist. No, he just actually didn't want them to exist.

Cale take a step forward while assessing the floor. It doesn't seem to be the clouds as it's as hard as the ground. So, he decided to continue the seemingly endless path in front of him. He get tired after a few step so he stops wherever he is now.

'There are really nothing around'. Cale sat on the floor as he recalls why he's here in the first place. He remembered them entering the Diagon Alley to buy new stuffs for Ron and his siblings -because they finally can afford one- and remember entering Flourish and Blotts with his mother, Ron, and Ginny without the twin -who runs off- and Percy -who has something else to do- to buy required books. He took a stroll around a bit, and he saw a strange looking book.

"What was that book's title again?" He asked out loud, knowing he's the only one around.

"How to Die Peacefully by Yours Truly."

"Ah that's right. But the author it's not you-AH!" Cale opened his eyes slowly as he speaks and realized that someone else answered in his stead.

He screamed after he saw a man in a full white suit which fits the color of that man's hair. His Pale brown skin and his black eyes contrasted all color that's been here till now.

"Ah. Sorry." The man apologized but his chuckled says otherwise.

"Who are you? Where is this place?" Cale asked, as sharp as it can be. His mom told him not to talk to a stranger cause 'stranger is danger' but probably the only choice in this situation.

"Ah~ That glare. I missed that one." The man said as he sat to the magically appeared working table with the familiar book on it.

"That book.." I immediately notice the book that cause all of this.

"Yes, This book. Cale, no, Mikhael Weasley, do you know the reason why you are here and Who am I?" The man asked as he used both of his hands to support his chin.

"Would I ask if I know." Cale furrow his brows even more as the man chuckled even more.

Somehow, his laugh pissed Cale off to the bone.

"Haha, I guess you're right. But you already know me, right? You just said it before you passed out."

Before I passed out? He thought as he gather more detail before he ended up here. He heard his mother and brother calling his name. But before that...

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