Thornz (tom) x Rasa chapter 8 wait... you love me?

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3rd person P.O.V:
Rasa and thornz were just walking home from school until william (my male oc) caught up to them

William:hey guys ^^
William spoke out

Rasa:hey william ^^
Razzy replied happily

After they greet eachother, they walked home
As they got home, razzy locked the door so no robbers can break in
And the trio sat on the couch

William's P.O.V:
We were sitting on the couch, thornz sits on the right side, i sit on the left side and my beautiful razzy sits in the middle
And i have that urge to tell her i love her though
And so, i did.

Hey razzy..
I said

Razzy replied

I- i-
I said nervously while blushing

I love you!
I finally said it

Razzy then blushed as hell as a tomato

Thornz's P.O.V:
Is this motherfucker trying to take my danm razzy?
*i thought*

Oh hell no!
*i said in annoyence*
Hey baby, its fine ^^ i font mind having 2 lovers ^^
*rasa replied calmly*

Oh that's right, your polyamory
*i continued*

Mhm ^^
*razzy replied*

I guess me and william can have you now <3 💞💕
*i said happily*

Rasa's P.O.V:
Mhm ^^ 💕💞
*i continued calmly*

And after i said that william lifted me up and took me to my room and flopped me on my bed, then the both boys layed beside me and cuddled with me, which was nice honestly 💞

Night thorn wcue x RasaWhere stories live. Discover now