Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

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Astraea's new house cheers in careful surprise as she walks offstage in a trance. "Gryffindor?" She repeats to herself out loud, and sits at the gold and red table. She is greeted warmly by the Marauders.

"Lynx! You're one of us now, who woulda guessed? Well, you'll have fun this year. We'll see to it." James Potter places a reassuring hand on Astraea's shoulder as she breathes raggedly in anxious disbelief.

Remus tries next to calm her spurred nerves. "Don't worry, Astraea. We've all been first years before, we know how to help you." He coos nurturingly, and catches her eyes in his. Remus Lupin's caramelly brown gaze soothes Astraea a little. It reminds her of her father.

Lupin lowers his voice a little, "I won't let James and Sirius push you into anything either. They're nice blokes, just a bit of trouble. We'll all make sure you're safe and happy." Remus gives Astraea a sincere smile that reaches his eyes and stretches the scars on his face.

She hugs him. Remus is surprised, no doubt, but in that moment it's the only thing Astraea needs. Everything is so overwhelming! A new world, new school, new place, new friends, new life - all she needs is a nice hug, and Remus is happy to help. Sirius is shocked when he turns to see his friend embracing the newbie.

Slowly, all first year students are called up to the stage and filter off to their respective new tables. Of course, Bella Lestrange is sorted proudly into Slytherin, and her strange group of friends claps her on the back. Is unnerves Astraea.

"So, you scared of them or what?" James Potter asks Astraea bluntly, regarding the way she constantly looks over her shoulder at the cult of Slytherin. He shoves an entire chicken leg into his mouth thoughtfully.

"I wouldn't say scared, but..." Astraea meditates for a moment on her next words, "Repulsed. Shocked and repulsed." She decides finally, her stomach settling as she speaks. Astraea begins to nibble on a fluffy, sweet roll.

"You seemed to be infatuated with Regulus earlier." Sirius Black spits at the girl. It's the first words he's said to Astraea since she arrived at Hogwarts. Lynx makes a sour face at Padfoot, "I have never been infatuated with your bother. Though he's a right bit more charming than you..."

She thinks about him for a moment - his dark eyes, raven hair, dorky nose - and feels a little sad. "I think he's different than the others though. I mean the rest of them... They're raving mad! Have you heard the way they talk of muggles?!"

At Astraea's comment on his brother, Sirius squints his eyes angrily. James grows curious however, and so do a few people sitting near them, notably Lily Evans. "What do you mean?" James questions, then clarifies, "Well we all know they're lunatic supremacists, but what'd they say to freak you out this much?"

Astraea doesn't know where to begin. "At first they all seemed really nice. Narcissa's parents are friends with mine, but she really went out of her way to make me feel included. Then they started talking about that Tom bloke, and they started getting bloody creepy. Lucious was pushing around that little Bella girl who trails after Tom, and Tom was talking about 'getting rid of' all the 'damn mudbloods'! I was about to scream my head off at them before... You two pulled that stunt." Astraea becomes passionate as she explains, throwing her hands around dramatically.

She sighs deeply as her audience gathers their thoughts, "Bloody loons, that lot. I mean, I know my parents were raised like them too, and I've never even met a... Muggleborn before, but... They talked about a passage."

The Marauders' interests are piqued. "Passage?" Remus asks abruptly. Astraea nodded seriously, "Yes, that's what Tom said. He had Regulus reading up on it. Sounded pretty... Intense. I think it's got to do with muggleborns."

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