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.................. (Killer's Pov)

It's Monday morning and Verena is in class. Sitting closer to the door seems to be becoming the new normal for her, maybe it's because she fears that she'll have to run out quickly with how things were left off between her and the professor.

From my observation, she seems calm. But knowing her, she's probably a nervous wreck on the inside. That's the thing about Verena; she possesses this desire to be viewed as nothing less than perfect, even when everything around her turns into a fiasco.

She's writing away in her notebook whilst her classmates are engaged in loud conversations. The clock is ticking, the professor is late, and his students are starting to make remarks about this. The hushing doesn't easily reach Verena. She's still focused on her writing until the Blonde South-African girl she hangs around with, nudges her shoulder. 

"One, two," I count, knowing what'll follow next.


Verena's eyebrows furrow at the sound of the cellphones around her either, chirping or vibrating all at once, hers included. The other students' look around themselves too. Did they all receive a message at the same time? The answer is yes. She picks up her phone and opens the notification. It's an e-mail from Dr. Canavero.

"CLASS IS CANCELED!" an immature, foolish boy announces with a wide smile. He puts his arms up to show his excitement when he walks out of class. The rest are mostly still seated.

Verena hasn't looked up from the e-mail as yet. No, she's too busy analyzing it. She thinks that something's happened and maybe— just maybe something did. 'Due to Situational Circumstances,' the e-mail reads. What could those situational circumstances be. The Dr. has not once canceled a class and is known for his punctuality. What. could. have. happened.

The Blonde friend stands up and begins helping Verena gather her stuff. They are halfway down the stairs when Tommy walks up to them.
The three stooges make their way into the library and settle themselves in one of the more private seating areas, located behind a row of tall books shelves.

Blondy is yapping in Tommy's ear whilst he stares dreamily at Verena. I can't help but chuckle to myself. He's been getting more courageous over time. See, Tommy's not a talker. Especially, not to those of the opposite sex. No, no, no. Tommy's the good guy, sadly not the kind people are interested in.

Usually, he's goes unnoticed. He hides away in the library and puts his nose in books or spends his time building computers. The thought of killing him has crossed my mind before— not that he's done anything bad. I pity him. I pity his whole existence, that's why. 

His eyes flicker when he looks at Verena. I instantly recognize it, it's a mixture of longing and lust. He likes Verena. He may have always liked her, though this crush has deepened over time. It all started with their good grade race, Nerd vs. Nerd. 

I know what you're thinking. I know everything. That's because I see everything, sometimes even the things I try to avoid. This town is twisted. It's the result of the actions of its people. It is in dire need of cleansing. And am I the right person for this job? No, but someone has to do it.

"V!" Blondy slams her hand against the table, making Verena jerk forward in a startle. "Are you listening?" 

She sighs in reaction. "No, what were you saying?"

"What is with your attention span lately?" Blondy throws her hair up into a bun. "Did you get any work done in the weekend?"

Verena's hesitant to answer, because no she hasn't gotten any work done over the weekend. She was too occupied with her own mind, thinking about the cop, the professor and of course of me. She wonders if two of us are the same person and I can understand why. Are we? We could be. 

The more she looks into their background, the more she convinces herself that she knows me. She's not wrong.

"I uhm, not really." She rests her face in the right palm of her hand. "Why do you think Dr. Xavier cancelled?" The wheels behind her eyes start turning.

Tommy shrugs then excuses himself to attend to the books that need organizing. Blondy simply shakes her head, which is a normal answer for her. She tends to shake her head as an answer to most questions.

"Should we do something?" She turns to Verena.

"We are doing something." Verena has her eyes following Tommy and her face changes. She's suspicious of him. Her research has expanded and over the weekend, she's stalked his socials. She hasn't deepened her search into his background like she's done with her two main suspects, but she's getting there.

She's getting suspicious about everyone around her. Even Blondy, who isn't nearly smart enough to get away with killing someone.

"Something less boring." 

"You're on your own." Verena puts in her earpiece. Not long after her friend leaves the library, leaving Verena on her own. 

She briefly looks up to see Blondy making small talk with someone, only to be shushed by Tommy, who she flicks her middle finger to. Verena shakes her head.

I wonder how this dynamic is still functioning. Not only are they polar opposites, but I strongly feel that she secretly despises Blondy.

It's been quiet few days on my part. I planned otherwise, though after calculating the risks, I realized that I was getting too involved in the wrong way. The flowers, the e-mail— I was getting too personal. And Verena is inching closer to making her discovery, I don't doubt that she'll figure it out. So, what do I do?

"Eenie," I look at Tommy, "meenie," my eyes find Blondy, "or Mo." I turn my attention to the person, who's already on my list.

This one is another Bryan; the kind, loving, Pride-filled joy on campus. An advocate for other students and a proud member of the 'All Love' committee; the voice of those in hiding.

His reputation has made people turn their heads in disbelief when another young student decided to speak up at the abuse he has endured at the hands of this monster. He was ridiculed and shut out, ultimately made an example off of why not to speak out. 

"Mo it is." I cross out his name like he's already taking his last breath.

As much as blondy gets on my nerves and Tommy— well, there isn't actually anything wrong with the kid, killing them wouldn't add to the fulfilment of my role and neither would it do any good when it comes to Verena.


It's seven o' clock and Verena just got home. The shop closed early as everything was sold out quickly. She sees her brother jogging down the stairs, confused she asks where he's heading. Imagine the look on her face when he answers her.

"Airport. Jensen 'll be here in five, we're picking up Paige."

Ahh, Paige. I vividly remember Paige. The nurse, Jensen had a long relationship with, which sadly ended when she decided to move out of town. It's the best decision she could've made, if you ask me. But her return opens up the possibility to second chances, doesn't it? And where would that leave my precious Verena, who is clearly smitten by the cop. 


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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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