Chapter XI: It's That Boy I Don't Trust

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It had been three days since the trio left Sorgan. Nylah stopped crying a lot after the first day. Somehow, she managed to push it behind her. It was the first time she considered staying in one place since she was 15, so yeah, it was going to hurt.

Mando left Nylah at the helm to freshen up. She promised him she would take good care of his ship. Mando believed her, until he was thrown into the wall while redressing in the refresher.

"Nylah!" He shouted from the first level. He climbed the ladder to the cockpit.

She spun the pilot's chair around, "Old friend of yours?" He quickly replaced her and continued on, dodging the shots of the guy behind them.

"Hand over the child, Mando!" The guy said through the radio.

"It's okay, little one," Nylah said, holding the child closer to her. His carrier had no actual seatbelt.

"I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold."

"That son of a bitch!" Nylah cursed, getting offended for him. Another shot rocked their ship. Alarms started blaring overhead.

"Hold on," Mando told them.

He stopped the Razor Crest suddenly, forcing the bounty hunter to fly over them.

"That's my line," Mando said, before aiming and firing at the guy, exploding his ship.

"Yeah!" Nylah cheered, "That's what I'm talking about!"

"We're losing fuel," Mando told her, instantly halting her excitement.

Suddenly everything shut down. The lights above and on the screens turned off. It was as if they were just floating in space.

"What the-"

"Do you see that lever next to the door in the corner to your left?" He asked her. Nylah stretched her neck to the back corner.

"Yeah, I see it."

"Flip it." She did as she was told and red lights turned on. A fail-safe.

"We're gonna have to land."

"Where are we?"

"See for yourself," Mando said, gesturing to the tan planet in front of them.

"Tatooine? I hate desert planets!" She exclaimed. She turned to Mando who was looking back at her.

"No offense," She said quickly.

As they approached Tatooine, a voice contacted them, "This is Mos Eisley Tower, we are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over."

"Copy that. Locked in for three-five." Mando replied.

The ship shook as they pushed through the atmosphere. Nylah closed her eyes, her hold on the child tightening. They successfully landed a moment later.

Nylah followed Mando down the ladder, careful not to drop the child.

"Let's get the ship fixed and find some work. We can lock the child in here." He gestured to the room with the cot.

"Are you sure?"

"He'll be fine. We need credits."

Nylah sighed, and placed the child on the cot. He had somehow been rocked to sleep by the rocking, broken ship.

The ramp of the ship dropped and Mando led them down. Three droids started up near them but Mando wasn't having any of that. He took out his blaster and shot at the ground in front of their feet. They immediately collapsed to hide.

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