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Charlotte Forbes stood in the grills as she stood working. She looked to see caroline as she walked in and looked to her "what are you doing here. Don't you have high school drawn to deal with" Charlotte asked

"Be nice Charlie. I came to see Matt is he around here" she asked as Charlotte shrugged

"I don't know. What is this rumour I am hearing over you and Elena and this thousand year old vampire" Charlotte asked as she walked behind the bar

Caroline looked to her sister and smiled "it's nothing that you need to worry over" caroline said as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes

"You do realise that I am older than you. There's no need to treat me like an idiot. I know what you are and I don't care"

"I really don't know anything okay" caroline said as she walked off as Charlotte rolled her eyes. She frowned as she looked to see Matt walked over to a table

Charlotte looked out of interest as she worked her way to the back as she started to clear up. She saw Matt as he sat with her mom and frowned as she realised how they were talking over caroline and how she was a vampire

Charlotte knew her family and how they didn't like supernatural creatures and she knew her mom finding out and the fact that she was the sheriff. It only made things worse

Charlotte walked away from them as she grabbed her phone as she rang caroline and groaned "care...call me..look I just saw you but something is going on here and I need to talk to you" Charlotte said as she left a message

Charlotte knew how it was all a mess and she didn't know what to do

Charlotte stood behind the bar as she handed Damon a drink as he downed it "now do you want to tell me what you" she asked as Damon looked to her and smirked

"What makes you think I did something" he asked as she looked to him and raised an eyebrow

"You really wanna go there. You may be a vampire but do you remember the last time when you messed with caroline. I may be the oldest sister and I don't care what she gets up to as long as she is safe. So what did you do" she asked

"I may of forced elena to drink my blood" he said as Charlotte chuckled

"Here me out Charlie. I was trying to help her"

"By turning her against her will?" Charlotte asked as he struggled. She turned her back to him as she started to clear her up

She heard someone walk in and frowned "let me guess Klaus" Damon said to Klaus

Charlotte looked to him and frowned. She knew that he was the original vampire that had they were all talking over


"Too scotches if you wouldn't mind" klaus said as Charlotte looked to him

"Manners cost you. Just because your the big bad vampire" she said as he frowned

"And what does a simple human like yourself know about it. I could rip out your throat right now" he said as she looked to him and smirked

"Do it. See if I careL she said as klaus looked to her. He knew he could compel any human to do what he wanted but with Charlotte he didn't want too

"Please love" he said as Charlotte smiled

"See that wasn't too hard now was it" Charlotte said as she walked behind the bar

"And just who is that"

"Oh Charlie. Caroline Forbes older sister Charlotte Forbes dropped out of medical school and is our favourite bartender. Human and everything but you still don't want to get on her bedside" Damon said as Charlotte handed them drinks

"I see" klaus said as he smirked to himself as he held his drink to his lips

Charlotte stood outside of the grill and frowned as she saw klaus and frowned "what is it you want? If I didn't know any better I'd say you were stalking me. I take it that you already took my sister. I want her back alive" Charlotte said as he smirked

"Don't be like that Charlotte. How come your not scared of me" he said as she crossed her arms over her chest

"What do you want me to be scared of you" Charlotte asked as he frowned

"Maybe I like the fact I out fear in people. Now I have a curse to break" he said as he went to walk off

"I come from a long line of hunters klaus. I'm not scared of you and if my sister dies I will hunt you I'll hand your head above my door" she said as he looked to her and chuckled

"You really are something do you know that" he said as she shrugged

"See you around Lottie"

"Don't call me that" Charlotte said as she walked off

Charlotte stood outside of the house. She looked to see liz as she got home and smiled "where is your sister"

"I don't know she was with Matt. What's with all the questions lately" Charlotte asked as liz looked to her daughter and smiled

"Can't a mother worry" liz asked as Charlotte nodded

"If you say so" Charlotte said as she looked as liz walked inside

Charlotte lay on her bed as she looked to see her phone ring "who is this" she asked as she answers it

"now is that really how you answer the phone love" he asked as she sat up

"Klaus? How did you get this number" she asked as he smirked

"I have my ways" he said as she stood

"What do you want" she said

"Come to the window" he said as she frowned. She walked to the window

"What the fuck? What do you want. Do you vampires not know how to tell the time" she asked as she looked to see him leaning against his car as he waved to her

"I just want to know I decide to spare your sister...I'll be staying around Lottie I'll see around" he said as she looked to him

"It's Charlie" she said as she hung up the phone as he smirked

Charlotte had no idea how klaus mikealson would change her life

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