| R/F | An-Soo ho x fem reader | Vending machine

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Please turn on the music :) (optional)
Enjoy!!! Swearing is included

You frowned as you stared at the grape juice bottle stuck in the vending machine
You payed for this shit, why isn't it going through the hole! 😡
"Stupid machine!"
You said, kicking it
While to distracted on your grape juice
Somebody else came up behind you
and you scooted a-little to the side to make space for them
You didn't want to look at anyone's face right now, so you stood there. Awkwardly 😬

The mysterious human clicked on the strawberry juice
it hit your grape juice while falling down,
helping your grape juice fall through the hole
But just as you were about to thank them
to your surprise, the person took their strawberry juice, and your grape bottle...
"That's mine!"
You shouted, confronting the person

"So?", They replied
You grit your teeth, angered by this rude ass mf 🤬
Finally you turned around and it was your brothers friend, An-soo ho
(Pretend si-eun is your brother in this universe)
"So you should give it to me."
You replied in a sassy tone 💁‍♀️ (you go girly pop)

Soo-Ho chuckled
"Well I payed for it?"
He said in a teasing voice

You clenched your fists
At this point you wanted to kick his stupid ass

"Well I made it fall through the hole"
He replied

You couldn't hold it in anymore.
You picked up a big ass rock from the ground and threw it at his bimbo head.
(Pretend in this universe, your strong enough to lift a truck) 😝
He was knocked dead to the ground

"OMG. did I kill him?"
You said sarcastically
Then blood started dripping from his head.

You screamed
Quickly you looked around and picked him up bridal style
(It's giving weightlifting fairy Kim Book-Joo) 💪

You made sure the juice bottles were in your pockets too
Quickly you ran into the school medbay
You shouted as you ran into the room

Surprisingly, no one was there
You layed him down on the bed and tried your best to aid him
When you were finally done you wiped the sweat off your face

As a reward to yourself you grabbed the grape juice out of
your pocket and started drinking

Suddenly An-Soo Ho woke up
You gave him an annoyed look
"You didn't have to do that, I was gonna give you the drink anyway"
He said, sighing

You shrugged and handed him his strawberry juice from your pocket
"Thanks for getting it out"
You said sincerely

He replied

You shouted as you stood up, offended

He gave you a look

"Who threw a rock at my head? Huh?"
He chuckled

You rolled your eyes and walked out the room
"You owe me a favour for throwing a rock at me!" He shouted
You scoffed and ran back to class

3 hours later

The bell rang and you hurriedly ran off, exhausted from school
Suddenly, a hand grabbed your wrist
"Remember, you owe me"
A voice said
You turned around to see soo-Ho
"How do I repay you"
You said, annoyed

"Walk home with me"
He said with a smile
"While holding my hand."

You jumped from the sudden request
"Or..do you want me to tell your parents about this?"
He pointed to his bandaged head

You hesitantly moved your hand towards his
Sure you didn't want to do this but you couldn't let your parents
find out you threw a rock at somebody's head
They would whoop your ass..

Surprisingly his hands were warm
"Let's go!"
He said as he held onto your hand tighter

You smiled and chuckled a little to yourself as you ran with him
out of the school gates.

The end

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