Missing girl

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I quickly get up from bed. Last twas fun hanging out with Denki. Wish he didn't stop by so late. But it's always great to have him near. Now what's happening today. Ho ya my date. It after school today. Maybe I can bump into her before class starts today. I quickly get up and hop onto the shower quickly washing up. I think get out and brush my teeth as I finish washing out my mouth I noticed the water is off again. " WHO TOOK UP ALL THE FUCKING HOT WATER!" Great this again. I'm just going to leave.

Before he starts asking me questions. I quickly walk out of my room with my stuff in hand. Rushing over to the elevator. The doors quickly shut and I press the common room floor. The elevator stops and Denki walks in. He has a small bag of trash." Hey Denki final cleaning your room." I chuckle. He froze for a minute before nervously responding." Ya ya just some cleaning. This is the last bag from last night before I came to your room." That explains why he didn't come over until late.

" That's ok bro. Im just glad we could hang out for a bit." He smiled down at me. The elevator door quickly open and I rush out." See ya in class Denki!" I quickly yell out. He smiles at me as I rush out of the dorm room. I quickly start to walk around the school for a bit. I hope I see her today. If not before class maybe at lunch. We have the same lunch period. From what she told me anyway. I continue to walk for a bit. No where in site. I sigh as I start to walk to class. Maybe I'll see her at lunch.

I then quickly walk down to class. Denki wasted here yet. I walk over to my desk and sit." Hey Mineta everthing ok you seam a bit upset. Didn't even comment on the girls this morning." I look up at Midoriya and respond." I'm find it's I meet this girl yesterday and where supposed to go on a date later today. But I haven't seen her all morning. I hope by lunch I do." Midoriya looked at me surprised a bit before responding." You should have nothing to worry about Mineta.

Denki saids your a great guys. So I don't doubt she'll ditch you. I'm happy for you. Anyways who is she?" I sit up ad I quickly speak up." She's from 1c I think her name was Abby. And her quirk is Chary Top. And I'm do excited for are date!" Midoriya only nod before looking forwards. I quickly look over to see Denki. He seams to be avoid the Baka squad. Don't know why. But I hope it's nothing to series. But he seams to be looking at them as if he's mad." Ok settle down!, Class is now starting up. And I don't want to be here."

After class was over I quickly walk over to Denki." Hey Denki do you think you can help me keep a eye out for Abby. I really want to talk with her about are date." He looks down at me and install responded." Sure thing Minoru! I'll let you know if I hear anything!" I smile as I quickly rush down to the lunch room. Quickly looking around for her. But she's no where in site. I take a deep breath as I sit down next to the door. Maybe I can see when she walks in.

After a bit of waiting  the bell rain. I quickly get up. Guess she most likely had lunch in her dorm room. I'll stop by 1c before school ends and see if they have seen her. I quickly walk back to class." He Mineta any luck finding her?" Midoriya quickly spoke up I sigh ad I respond." Nope I haven't seen her. I'll ask someone from her class later if they seen her. I'm just guessing she had lunch in her dorm though." Midoriya quickly Shoke his head ok before going and sitting down. I'm starting to get really consider about her.

As class started up I noticed Denki constantly looking my way. Guess he may want to tell me something after class maybe. I'll check in with him later. As class comes to a end I quickly walk over to Denki." Hey Denki did you want to tell me something. You keep looking my way all day sence lunch." He quickly respond." I just want to see how your search for Abby was doing. Any luck?" I sigh before shaking my head no." I'm just going to go ask one of 1C if they seen her.

You came too! I don't want to be alone if they tell me she's been avoiding me." Denki quickly lifts up my chin." If she is she doesn't deserve you. Now let's go!" I smile as we quickly walk over to 1C . We quickly stop Hitoshi. He's getting ready to be moved to 1b soon. Which is great for him." Hey Hitoshi have you seen Abby all day. I wanted to talk to her about are date." He quickly looks at us." Sorry she hasn't been seen sence yesterday. The class was planning to ask 1A about it.

We had already asked 1B they said they haven't seen her. When did you Last sewn her?" I stop to think for a minute." About 3 hours before lights out. She walked me to my dorm room. Then we said goodbye. I haven't seen her sence." I love up at Denki who just shrugs. Hitoshi quickly speaks up." Well then I go tell Nezu she's missing I would head back to the dorms if I was you two." Me and Denki both nod as we quickly walked back to the dorms. Once we got there the speekers go off." Attention! Abby Greens has been missing all day.

If you see her or hear from her please report to the principals office at once's if anything comes up we will do a full on search for her. Until then please stay safe and continue with your classes." I sigh looking down. Denki quickly kneeled down beside me." Hey don't take it to harshly. How about we talk to Aizawa and see if we can chill tonight in your room." I look up at Denki wapping away a few tears from my face." Ya why not. It could get my mind of things."

Word count 1100

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