Chapter 4 - Preparation Day

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Phaedra's pov:

I looked down and saw the bare legs of a man wearing only a towel to cover his genitals. I quickly looked up in shame and found with horror that the chest I fell into a few seconds ago belonged to none other than the Emperor himself! He stood majestically in front of me. He had his hair loose, his grey eyes were staring at me intently and his body was godly: it was so fit and strong filled with mussels and abs. Although his presence exuded power and authority, he looked calmed and relaxed while I stood there like an idiot. Cold sweat rolled down my forehead and I began to tremble with fear. I was so ashamed and simultaneously scared!

-"Oh! The little deer" he exclaimed playfully and went on asking in an amused tone while I was still trembling with fear. "What are you doing here?

-"I......I.........." I mumbled trying to find anything to say but nothing came up to my frustration.

-"Did you come to keep me company in the hammam?" he asked incredulously while I turned beet red by the thought avoiding any eye contact with him.

-"I......I..... got lost" I finally came up with an excuse.

-"Well what a pleasant mess" he said with a smug smile and stroked my cheek as I barely stood up. I was about to pass out when he took a deep breath and removed his hand from my cheek. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him motioning for me to excuse myself. His action relieved me.

-"With ......your permission" I said softly bowed to him and hurried out of the room happily.

When the door closed behind me I inhaled deeply, thanked Gods that no punishment befell me and headed towards my room feeling relieved.

I carefully got in the room trying not to gain Elektra's attention. I sat on my bed trying to relax when a hand grabbed my right arm making me jump from my position.

-"Where were you?" Alina wondered.

-"I got lost" I replied avoiding telling her about my brief encounter with the King. What could I say anyway? Nothing major happened except for the fact that I ran into the Emperor's chest.

-"Next time, be more careful. If you are suspected of having an affair with one of the guards, you will be beheaded!"

-"What? I didn't do such a thing!" I protested angrily.

-"I didn't accuse you of doing it! But not everybody will think that way" she explained.

-"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

-"We must be pure and please only our lord, the Emperor"

-"What do you mean by please?"

-"You know keep him company at bed...." she said shamelessly. A gleam appeared in her eyes while mine widened and my face turned red.

-"We can have a relationship with another man only if the Emperor allows us to"

-"What kind of relationship?" I asked puzzled.

-"You know......a sexual one!" she said hesitantly while my face turned red in shame. I took a deep breath and ignored Alina's last words.

-"What do you mean when you say the Emperor will allow us?" I wondered.

-"Some of the concubines were set free after many years of good behavior, but they were few. Most of them died lonely as slaves"

-"Why slaves?"

-"Because the Emperor doesn't want us when we get older. Some of us are lucky to be claimed by a general or an officer or even a guard."

-"Claimed?" I asked Alina with wide eyes. This all seemed so strange to me. So many rules over a concubine's life. I wonder what the rules for other people must be......

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